Machete Star Danny Trejo Joins the Area 51 Raid

The Internet is attempting to organize an event unlike any other, with over a million people [...]

The Internet is attempting to organize an event unlike any other, with over a million people volunteering on Facebook to storm the Air Force's secretive Area 51 base. Quite a lot of memes have spun out of this ordeal, including one from beloved actor Danny Trejo. On Monday, Trejo took to Twitter to share a screenshot of himself from Machete Kills in Space, with the caption that this would be him after leaving Area 51.

Trejo, whose filmography also includes everything from From Dusk Til Dawn to The Flash, has become a sort of cult icon

For the uninitiated, Area 51 is a section of the Edwards Air Force Base in the Nevada desert. For decades, it's never been abundantly clear exactly what the base does, outside of evidence that it has been used to create experimental aircraft and weapons systems. Some have believed that the base is secretly hiding proof of extraterrestrial life, either through studying a crashed UFO or attempting to contact a new one.

The Area 51 movement has spun out of a viral Facebook event, which is appropriately named "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us". The page suggests that a giant group of people attempt to visit and "Naruto run" their way into the secretive military base and find out what extraterrestrial information they have.

"We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry." the event's description reads. "If we [Naruto] run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens."

While the event is clearly a joke, the sheer number of people responding to it has since garnered an official response from the Air Force, who are apparently "ready to protect" the base should the event actually come to fruition.

"[Area 51] is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces," Air Force spokesperson Laura McAndrews said in a statement (via Yahoo). "The US Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets".

The "Storm Area 51" event is theoretically scheduled for September 20th, and there's no telling if anyone will actually turn their digital RSVP into action. If they do, maybe Trejo will be a source of inspiration for them.

What do you think of Danny Trejo's take on the "Storm Area 51" event? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!