Stan Lee is Happy as Hell That Spider-Man and Black Panther are in The MCU

Stan 'The Man' Lee, who helped co-create a huge swathe of the Marvel Comics universe, hit the red [...]


Stan "The Man" Lee, who helped co-create a huge swathe of the Marvel Comics universe, hit the red carpet once more, this time for Captain America: Civil War at the Dolby Theater Tuesday night. While Stan has always been supportive of Marvel's movie ventures, he broke from the regular script a bit when asked about Spider-Man and Black Panther joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"I wasn't surprised, but I'm happy as hell!" Lee said enthusiastically. "Marvel knows how to put things together, making it all work in a wonderful way."

The venerable creator was visually excited when talking about Spider-Man joining the MCU, with a huge smile on his face as he spoke every word. He's been supportive of - and cameod in - Spider-Man movies in the past, but it's clear that seeing him side-by-side with characters like Iron Man and Captain America has Stan Lee just as excited as fans.