Arrow: Five Oliver Queen Valentine's Day Hookups

If there's a more notorious...we'll be charitable and say 'ladies' man' comics than Oliver [...]


If there's a more notorious...we'll be charitable and say "ladies' man" comics than Oliver Queen, I don't know him. That has translated to the small screen, where on Arrow, Oliver has had not one, not two, but at least four women that he's hooked up with in just two seasons of the show, on top of the gorgeous gal he's got waiting for him back at the Arrowcave with a big crush. For context, that's a better completion percentage than the guy on How I Met Your Mother, a show that's all about dating. Oliver's romantic relationships are also different from many action stars or comic book heroes in that they tend to be people intrinsic to his story and supporting cast, rather than just somebody written into the story to be his love interest. That is, perhaps, why they're taking their sweet time making "Olicity" happen--so that she's more her own character rather than just his girlfriend by the time the pair eventually start to date. In any event, we're going to ignore (mostly) the fact that Ollie just seemingly re-established his romance with Sara Lance for the sake of picking out some of the ladies he might spend time with, kind of like we did for Daryl Dixon.


Felicity Smoak This girl is, as far as the world of Arrow is concerned, the real thing. Whether he ends up with her or not remains to be seen, but I wouldn't bet against it--especially because she's similar in so many ways to Chloe Sullivan, the girl Oliver married in Smallville, a show which shares a network and a number of creative folks with Arrow. That said, it's not likely she'll be his date today. After all, she's still reeling from the last guy she showed any interest in being struck by lightning and going into a coma. Besides which, he's just recently started shacking up with...

Keep Your Enemies Closer

Sara LanceSecond verse, same as the first... Oliver and Sara were toying with the idea of a relationship when Laurel sabotaged it, calling her dad (and by extension the police) in to break up a party Sara was holding where underage drinking was taking place. As a result, the younger Lance daughter was grounded and it left Oliver wide open to Laurel's advances. That didn't stop Ollie and Sara from eventually taking a romantic weekend together on his father's boat--but unfortunately the weekend was cut short when it sank, apparently killing both of them. Later, when they reunited, they became a de facto "us against the world" on the island, only to have Sara take up with Nyssa Raatko (the daughter of Ra's al Ghul) once they were separated again. Years later, though, back in Starling City, the pair reunited again--and we'd be willing to bet that for however long this relationship lasts, there will be a lot of people unhappy about it. Fun fact: Sara's costumed identity is Black Canary. She has...well, a romantic history with Oliver.


Could they ever get that serious on the show? Well, it's difficult to say, especially with the specter of "Olicity" hanging over the proceedings. But we do know from an upcoming episode summary that they'll start to date publicly soon, leading to a dinner at the Lance's. That really won't be great for Oliver's (or Sara's) relationship with... Laurel Lance Cue the music: Let's make it "My Best Friend's Girl" by The Cars.

Yeah, that's Laurel at this point. While Oliver may have left on the Queen's Gambit with Laurel as his nominal girlfriend, she understandably sought solace in Tommy's arms after finding out that her boyfriend had just made off with her sister and promptly got both of them "killed." Even after Tommy died, nothing seems in the cards for Ollie and Laurel anytime soon. Even before he embarked (again) on a relationship with Sara in the closing moments of the most recent episode, Laurel has spent much of this year (as has Oliver) dealing with fallout from Tommy's death and the brief moments they appeared to consider a relationship always seemed too awkward, marred by a heavy, shared history. And that's BEFORE she eventually finds out he's gone back to dating Sara again! This likely won't end well.


Shado While Shado is one of the women with whom Oliver has shared affection and a great deal of screen time, odds are small he'll be seeing her tonight--unless it's another "Three Ghosts"-type situation.

The Scientist

Isabel Rochev The architect of a hostile takeover of Queen Consolidated at the beginning of the season, she failed by the skin of her teeth and has found herself trapped working with Oliver, and now Moira, Queen ever since. Whether she's actually got feelings for Oliver isn't totally clear; they seemed to share a moment in Russia, before heading to bed together, only to be "caught" by Felicity--something Rochev seemed pretty unconcerned about, even though she had already called Oliver out on the obvious sexual chemistry between he and his assistant. Later, she and Oliver shared some flirty conversation--but then Rochev and Moira, who was there for the flirting, were obviously trading barbs so it's not clear whether she was actually interested in Ollie at that point, or just taking a shot at his mom. BONUS ROUND! Sandra "Moonday" Hawke The mother of Connor Hawke, Oliver's son and the second Green Arrow, would be a solid guess for this list if she had turned up yet in the TV series. Chloe Sullivan Well, we'll always have Smallville. Also, he's married to her right now in Smallville Season Eleven comics.
