The Walking Dead: Five Daryl Dixon Valentine’s Day Hookups

During interviews and convention appearances, one of the most common questions that Norman Reedus [...]

The Walking Dead Season 4 Daryl & Carol

During interviews and convention appearances, one of the most common questions that Norman Reedus faces is when his character Daryl Dixon will find romance on The Walking Dead show. For four season, the crossbow-toting, redneck Daryl Dixon has been the show's most eligible bachelor. Fans and press have attempted to match Daryl up with a number of other characters on the show, so we thought it would be fun to compile a list of the five most popular Daryl Dixon hookup ideas for Valentine's Day. 5. Daryl & Carol = Caryl – Of all the other characters on the show, Carol seems to be the most popular choice as a love connection for Daryl. Carol bonded with Daryl, while he was relentlessly searching for her daughter Sophia. The two have flirted on occasion with Carol calling Daryl "Pookie." However, since Rick banished Carol from the group, there's no telling if Daryl and Carol will ever reunite.

Walking Dead Season 4 Daryl & Michonne4. Daryl & Michonne = Dixonne

– After Carol, Michonne appears to be the most popular choice for a romance with Daryl. As two of the most fierce and effective walker killers in the group, they just seem like a natural fit. If Daryl and Michonne did ever hookup and spawn an offspring, then that would be one tough kid. We're imagining the baby coming out of the womb with a crossbow in one hand and a Katana in the other hand.

The Walking Dead Daryl & Beth3. Daryl & Beth = Bethyl

– When the group split-up after The Governor's attack on the prison, could it be fate that Daryl and Beth wound up together? There have been past moments on the show, where it has appeared as if Beth could have a crush on Daryl. When we asked Reedus last year if Beth might be taking a liking to Daryl, he said, "I can't tell you that, but god she's cute so fingers crossed." With the recent death of her father, will it help push Beth into Daryl's arms? And for those thinking Beth is too young for Daryl, she is now 18 on the show (and the actress who plays her is actually 28 years old).

Daryl Dixon & Glenn2. Daryl & Glenn = Glaryl

– When Reedus gets the Daryl romance question, he sometimes points to Glenn as who Daryl will eventually hookup with. On a recent appearance on the CONAN show, Steven Yeun even outlined how the hookup might go down. Yeun said, "You see them go off on a run, and then one of them falls and then the other person falls on top of the other person. And then they accidentally touch lips, and then they're confused, and then it writes itself from there." 1. Daryl & Sirens = Redneck Fish People – Who's to say that Daryl's potential romantic interest has even been introduced on the show yet? One idea that Reedus pitched to us in an interview last year is that Daryl might run into a harem of sirens, spawning a tribe of redneck fish people. It was shortly after Reedus told us about this idea that AMC announced they would be doing a spinoff series for The Walking Dead. Hmmm…. coincidence? Or not?