Power Rangers Reveals Drakkon's New Look

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #50 featured the return of Lord Drakkon, landing back on Earth in [...]

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #50 featured the return of Lord Drakkon, landing back on Earth in comet-like fashion and looking pretty frightened. When we see him in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #51 however, he's looking more pissed than scared. This is actually the first real chance we get to see what Drakkon looks like post-Shattered Grid, and he's looked better to be sure. As you can see in the spoiler images below, Drakkon has ditched his Drakkon suit and pretty much any style of Ranger costume, going with a very utilitarian brown getup with a cloak and hood. The bigger surprise is his face, which now sports a red tattoo on one side of his face and coming from his eye (that must have hurt) and his hair shaved on one side.

It's certainly an interesting look, and while he appears more like a straight-up villain, he doesn't seem to have the regalness he once had with his previous suits. He's still deadly, though it remains to be seen exactly how powerful he is after what went down.

We also want to know who he is speaking to, as we assume it's not Saba, though he does speak to him later in the issue. He wears Saba's decapitated head around his neck like a necklace, which is pretty screwed up.

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

You can check out Drakkon's new look in the images above and below.

Now, we imagine Drakkon won't sport this look for long, but who knows. Perhaps it's Drakkon who becomes the new Green Ranger we spotted in Mighty Morphin #1, or perhaps he just goes back to his villainous ways and gets his full suite of powers back. Maybe he will end up wit a new suit. We're not sure, but we will be paying attention to see how this all plays out.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #51 is written by Ryan Parrott and drawn by Moises Hidalgo with colors by Walter Baiamonte and letters by Ed Dukeshire. You can find the official description below.

"[SPOILER] has returned... and the ripple effects send shockwaves through every Power Ranger!

Now the fragile alliance between the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS and OMEGA RANGERS may be permanently... shattered."

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #51 is in comic stores now.

Let us know what you thought of the issue in the comments or as always you can talk all things Power Rangers and comics with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!