Star Wars

Fan Figures Out How to Play ‘Star Wars’ Music by Writing Math Equations With a Pencil

Fans of the Star Wars universe have probably heard more versions of the ‘Cantina Theme’ than they […]

Fans of the Star Wars universe have probably heard more versions of the “Cantina Theme” than they probably know what to do with. But it’s safe to say that the newest version is pretty darn unique.

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Twitter user d4niphantom recently discovered that doing her math homework – specifically writing out “x+4” with her pencil – sounded just too much like A New Hope‘s Cantina Theme. She then discovered what else the equation would need to “play” the rest of the song, when written with a pencil.

Since it was posted late last week, the video has accumulated almost 9 million views on Twitter, as well as 5.4 million on YouTube. The actual equation that d4niphantom uses has sparked a bit of discourse as well, with one Reddit user arguing that, when solved, the equation could equal the speed of light.

For those who like their Star Wars music with a little darker flair, d4niphantom also created an equation that sounds like the Imperial March when written out. You can check out that video below.

Math and science have always been a part of Star Wars discourse, with experts placing plenty of the franchise’s moments in a sort of real-world context. While it might not justify a pivotal The Last Jedi scene or explain the ecological consequences of Porgs, d4niphantom’s discovery is sure to put a smile on some Star Wars fans’ faces.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters now.