Giant Pikachu Uses Quick Attack In Japan

Pikachu uses Quick Attack and it's super effective. And adorable.A giant Pikachu in Japan was [...]

Pikachu uses Quick Attack and it's super effective. And adorable.

A giant Pikachu in Japan was caught on video bouncing around, being cute and happy, but also using its signature Quick Attack move which just about every 90's gamer remembers.

The video, embedded below, was caught by Twitter user @an7pikapi. Since posting, it has been retweeted over 37,000 times with over 45,000 favorites. Some hardcore gamers and Pokemon fans might just make the arguement that the giant Pikachu was actually using Agility, rather than Quick Attack, but we're definitely not here to nitpick.

According to RocketNews24, Japanese twitter had a warm reception to the video:

"Whaaaaat is this level of cute?! (Blood pours out of nose)"
"I now understand why Team Rocket wanted to steal Pikachu."
"Pikachu's all like, 'Did I do a good job?! Did you like it?!'"
"I'm really impressed the person in the suit was able to pull that off."

The last point is pretty true. The person in that Pikachu mascot suit can not only move fast enough for the Quick Attack but can do so while wearing a Giant Pikachu suit.

For reference, check out the video of Pikachu using Agility in the video below. Skip to about 1:28 for the moment.


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