First Details About 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Blu-Ray Emerge

Solo: A Star Wars Story is still delighting fans in theaters, thought Best Buy and Target have [...]

Solo: A Star Wars Story is still delighting fans in theaters, thought Best Buy and Target have already uploaded details about their exclusive packaging for the latest Star Wars adventure. Check out the exclusive home video packaging below.

solo a star wars story collectible steelbook best buy
(Photo: Best Buy)

Best Buy's 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray/Blu-ray combo pack will be available as an exclusive SteelBook featuring artwork depicting the Millennium Falcon.

Target's exclusive offer for the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray/Blu-ray combo pack includes a replica Millennium Falcon figure, though it's unclear if their accompanying artwork is finalized or merely a placeholder until the details are confirmed.

solo a star wars story blu-ray target
(Photo: Target)

Neither retailer has confirmed what exclusive special features they will offer, nor has an official release date been revealed. Based on the release strategies of previous Star Wars films, we could likely expect the disc to debut in September.

Given the public behind-the-scenes troubles the film faced with its directorial vision, many fans are curious if the home video release will feature any footage from original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, especially after recent reports that Lucasfilm crafted a trailer featuring the directors' early footage.

Many fans were expecting to learn details about Solo at last year's Star Wars Celebration, though the project was almost completely ignored. According to ScreenCrush, a trailer had been created, yet Lucasfilm wasn't confident in the footage and scrapped the idea completely.

Per ScreenCrush's report, "Lucasfilm had created a Solo trailer to show at Star Wars Celebration, assembled from the footage from Lord and Miller's shoot. They just chose not to screen it. According to my source, the trailer was cut together and then shelved for exactly the same reasons that Lord and Miller were let go two months later; Lucasfilm wasn't happy with it."

Whether it be the Star Wars Holiday Special or the animated Star Wars Detours, Lucasfilm has a habit of completely burying anything they're not confident in, so we shouldn't expect any footage from a "Lord and Miller Cut." Luckily, the studio also has a habit of packing their home video releases with all kinds of extra features, from feature-length documentaries to commentaries to making-of featurettes.

Stay tuned for details about the home video release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, in theaters now.

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[H/T StarWarsNewsNet]