'League of Legends' Releases ARURF Balance Update

A new mid-patch update is out for League of Legends that made some balance adjustments exclusive [...]

A new mid-patch update is out for League of Legends that made some balance adjustments exclusive to the ARURF game mode.

Released onto the live servers just days ago, the hectic, all-random mode returned with some changes including a new cannon that launches players across the map. It's been a while since ARURF was released, so some champions were standing out as either weak or strong as a result of different balance adjustments since the last time the game mode was live. To tone down certain champions and bring others up in line with the most popular picks, Riot Games released an update on Tuesday that affected 15 different champions.

The full notes for that mid-patch update can be seen here, but Riot Games quality analyst Riot Bazaam summed up the changes neatly with the tweets below which categorized them by buffs or nerfs. League of Legends senior game designer amended the list afterwards to say there was one additional change made with Master Yi dealing five percent less damage after the update's release.

Abilities fly fast in ARURF and everyone deals more damage, so it's easy to imagine that every champion is overpowered, but there were certainly some outliers. Kai'Sa stood out as a champion who could build either attack damage or ability power and still take on most champions, but not every character who people have said deserves changes was affected. Vladimir, for example, can be nearly impossible to take down with his high damage and pool ability constantly up, but he wasn't affected by the update at all. Garen can also still spin endlessly while reducing incoming damage to shred his enemies, but that's always been part of ARURF and URF and likely won't ever change.

This ARURF balance pass is the third mid-patch update to be released with the one before it buffing the game's newest champion, Sylas.

League of Legends' ARURF balance update is now live with all the changes listed above included.