The first trailer for Marvel’s Ant-Man movie hit just recently. In addition to leaving most fans excited for the movie, it also had the memorable line where Scott Lang asks Hank Pym if it’s too late to change the hero’s name.
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That got us wonder what other comic book superhero and villains might like a chance to call a mulligan on their moniker. Here are five comic book characters who would likely want to know if it is too late to change their name.
Paste Pot Pete
Paste Pot Pete is an early Fantastic Four villain who used an adhesive gun to try to lock down the heroes. We assume he first got the name when he was ridiculed for eating too much glue in kindergarten. He has since had the good had the good sense to chance his name to Trapster (not much of an improvement), but we’ll always remember him as good old Paste Pot Pete.
Adam-X the Extreme
Remember that time in the 1990s when the word “extreme” was as overused as “epic” and “awesome” are today? That’s the era that gave us Adam-X the X-Treme. Originally intended to be the long-rumored third Summers brother (bullet dodged), this guy showed up with little more than a skateboard and a backwards baseball cap for a costume. Eventually given a convoluted backstory involving the Shi’ar, we’d like to think he’s as over with as the ’90s themselves.
Arm Fall Off Boy
There are plenty of character from the Legion of Super-Heroes that could be candidates for this list. We’ve chosen backup Legionnaire Arm Fall Off Boy for two reasons. First, his stupid name isn’t even grammatically correct. Second, his name accurately describes his power, and that butter is absolutely disgusting.
The Whizzer
The Whizzer is Marvel’s golden age speedster and Flash ripoff who was at one time believed to be Quicksilver’s father. He’s also another character who sounds like he decided to take his codename from whatever name the kids at school use to tease him with. We assume he a rough night at his first sleepover.
Stil-Man: great name for a circus attraction, terrible name for a supervillain.
Ant-Man opens in theaters July 17.