Last week on Black Lightning, Agent Odell released Jefferson and Lynn, allowing them to go home to their family. However, just because their time in captivity is over doesn’t mean that life will be getting back to normal any time soon. Freeland is a vastly different place than it was when Jefferson was last free to hit the streets as Black Lightning, and the state of his beloved hometown may be more than the hero expected in tonight’s episode, “The Book of Occupation: Chapter Four: Lynn’s Ouroboros.”
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We start with Lynn talking about the meta virus. It apparently has Ebola properties and she’s not been able to solve it. She also notes that it shares commonalities with Green Light, which led her to a breakthrough — sort of. She did some experimenting with the beneficial qualities of Green Light and tested it on herself to give herself super smarts. In Freeland, Jefferson is driving Jennifer to school and discovers just how different things are and is horrified. At one of the checkpoints there’s an attack and Jefferson barely stays cool. Elsewhere, he meets with Gambi — in a cloaking device — who gives him a way to disable the tracking device Odell put in his new suit.
Jennifer meets with Odell. Jennifer questions why Odell hasn’t stopped the occupation, but he maintains his claims about the threat of the Markovians. Elsewhere a gang member takes what appears to be a military-style supply truck. At the school, Jamila sneaks in to do her reporting, this time on the mandatory testing for metas at the school. The new kid claims to have already been tested. Odell sends Painkiller to find the people stealing “his” trucks and kill them. Jennifer tells her father that when a war breaks out, he’ll be glad for the A.S.A.’s measures. One of the kids ends up showing Jefferson video of Blackbird. Jefferson is also informed that he’s been made guidance counselor complete with raise.
Jefferson meets with Odell, upset about the military presence but Odell tells him to do as he’s told, or else Jennifer and Anissa go to the pit. Henderson is also struggling with the situation when the occupation forces show up and commandeer the police station and kick him out of his office. Jennifer gets a text from Odell containing a video showing Markovians attack on Sudan and it’s horrific. Lynn continues her work but is becoming addicted to her Green Light creation. Blackbird shows up at a gun deal and confronts those who have attacked the A.S.A. checkpoint. Jefferson pays Anissa a visit and meets Grace. Grace knows about Thunder and Blackbird and Jefferson is mad. Grace freaks out and shapeshifts. Anissa throws Jefferson out. Anissa comforts Grace and calls her Shay Li Wylde and they patch things up.
Jefferson notes that Lynn doesn’t look great and she starts to have weird tunnel vision. She hurries back to the pit to work. Elsewhere, Painkiller pretty much tortures soldiers to give him information on the drug dealer stealing the trucks. At school Jennifer sticks up for the occupation and the A.S.A. rolls up right then and takes away a student and hits the principal. Lynn continues to try to solve the virus situation and it appears she does. At Gambi’s, Jefferson learns Gambi is tracking Odell another A.S.A. person to try to find the pit. Jefferson goes to Anissa and asks for help rescuing the student.
Painkiller goes after the drug dealer and kills him. Blackbird gets the rescued prisoners to the perimeter so they can escape. Odell confronts Jefferson about helping with the rescue. Gambi finds the A.S.A. pit. Odell tells Lynn she’s still needed, and it’s revealed that Odell got Lynn addicted to Green Light on purpose. Jennifer calls Odell and he gives her a new suit and a comm device. He tells her to fly up until it beeps and when she does, she is high above the Earth where she absorbs so much power.
Black Lightning airs Mondays at 9/8c on The CW.