League of Legends Designer Says Balance Team Isn't Silver, Provides Evidence

Riot Games has tackled another common saying in League of Legends by defending the balance team [...]

League of Legends Jinx Vi
(Photo: Riot Games)

Riot Games has tackled another common saying in League of Legends by defending the balance team that plans for upcoming patches and provided evidence to prove that they aren't a bunch of Silvers as some would suggest.

Calling out the balance team in League has become a go-to practice for some players whenever something looks out of place in a patch and needs fixing right away. Some players question why certain overpowered or underpowered versions of champions and items can make it through and simply default to the joke – sometimes an actual assumption – that the balance team is composed of Silver-ranked players.

Riot Meddler responded to this claim in a post on the League boards as he spoke about the claim and said "It's been a common enough joke at times in the past of course, feels like there are quite a few people treating it as fact right now however." In order to hopefully clear up any debate about the balance team and their ranks, Meddler provided a couple of op.gg profiles of some members of the balance team, specifically those that are in Diamond.

Linking six Diamond accounts in total, Meddler went on to say that this wasn't the full balance team, just a few of the members so that players can see proof that they exist outside of Silver and other lower ranks. Some of the accounts listed have higher rankings in Flex Queue, but Meddler said that the rest of the ranks still vary since this isn't the full team. He added that there are some members of the Live Gameplay team with lower ranks while there are also more that are Diamond as well.

"We've generally found being good at LoL makes it more likely someone will be good at designing on LoL, but also frequently had people who don't do so well in game perform really strongly as designers," Meddler said.

As Meddler suggested, the idea of the balance team being Silver has cropped up before, but this most recent time is likely a result of Galio's hotfix and other quick changes that have come through soon after patches recently. You can check out the full list of accounts Meddler provided yourself to verify the team's ranks.
