
League of Legends May Bring Back Parts of LeBlanc’s Old Kit

LeBlanc may soon see some Rengar-level changes on the League of Legends PBE with parts of the […]

LeBlanc may soon see some Rengar-level changes on the League of Legends PBE with parts of the mage’s old kit returning to satisfy both old and new LeBlanc players.

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For those who haven’t been keeping up with Rengar’s continued updates, the hunter is seeing a change that brings back the old version of his Savagery (Q), an enhanced auto attack that’ll replace the current swipe-and-slash mechanic. Following the reverts taking place for Rengar, Riot Meddler noted that LeBlanc is next in line for similar changes with older parts of her kit possibly making a return to be mixed in with the current version.

“After Rengar ships in 8.4 we’ll be looking at LeBlanc,” Riot Meddler said. “Current plan is for a similar level of change to Rengar’s, likely including some degree of moving back to things about old LeBlanc that worked well (both for LeBlanc players and for game health). Not certain on timing of when that work would ship, goal would be to get it onto PBE fairly quickly and, as with Rengar, work on it for multiple patches while getting feedback on it.”

For those that either prefer the current version of LeBlanc, dreaded going against the old version, or have any other concern about the upcoming LeBlanc work, your voice is also welcome. Riot Jinxylord recently tweeted and asked players to respond with what parts of LeBlanc’s kit they enjoyed whether from the old or current version of the mage.

Players can also expect to be thoroughly kept in the loop throughout LeBlanc’s changes. As Meddler mentioned above, the changes for Rengar have been continually updated on the PBE boards for both those on the PBE and non-PBE players to see. The champion has undergone quite a few different iterations of his newly revised abilities with more to come, and a similar level of detail is expected for LeBlanc.

The changes for LeBlanc will take some time to come to the live servers even after they’re made available on the PBE, but look for updates from Rioters on the boards as they move forward with LeBlanc changes.