League Of Legends Shows Off New Keystone Runes

While updates on the new League of Legends runes system have come out over the past few weeks, a [...]

League of Legends
(Photo: Riot Games)

While updates on the new League of Legends runes system have come out over the past few weeks, a recent post from Rioter Reinboom marks the first official Rune's Corner post, an update that looks to be the first of many more to come.

"Starting today, the team working on Rune's Reforged will be posting more frequently so we can get you guys up to speed on our design thoughts, explain our decisions, sneak peak new runes, and more importantly, gather your feedback."

The new system combines masteries in runes in a revolutionary structure that simplifies the rune-choosing process while also allowing for more emphasis on early-game power. Reinboom said that the team has been taking several factors in consideration such as how many Keystone Runes are needed — it looks like more than nine Keystones with approximately 60 runes total — as well as which Keystone Masteries they want to import into the new system. Here are a couple of the new runes that they're looking at as well as their explanation for each rune:


  • Takedowns restore 15% missing health.

This Keystone Rune is all about putting the decision-making power in the hands of the player, according to Reinboom. It's a beefed up version of Dangerous Game, and while the Rioter says it's not for everyone, commenters have already thought of some champs who it certainly will be for. Darius is an obvious candidate for this aggressive rune, a champ that already excels at taking on more than one champ while dunking and healing on everyone around him.

Ruined King's Tribute

  • Every 4 seconds in combat your next attack deals damage to nearby champions and large monsters equal to 3% of your max health and heals you for [20 -75]% of this amount based on level. Ranged Champions: Damage and healing are halved.

We've seen this rune discussed a bit in a previous post, but the fact that it's appeared a second time with no change to the stats makes it seem likely that this rune will certainly be making it through to the new system. This Rune resembles a small AOE version of Grasp of the Undying, and being able to proc it off of large monsters should make it a viable jungle option as well.


  • While above 80% health, gain up to +14 Attack Damage or +20 Ability Power, Adaptive (based on level).

The "Adaptive" part of this is where runes start to get tricky. Reinboom explained that this new rune label means that a rune's effect will change depending on if you have more AD or AP, something that was explained deeper in the comments when a reader asked if the rune's effect would change mid game if a Kennen moved from Doran's Blade to Hextech Revolver. The Rioter confirmed that scenario and also cited Jayce and Ezreal as two champions that'll benefit from this Keystone Rune since they're both casters that scale off AD.

Magical Footwear

  • You get free boots at 10 minutes but you cannot buy boots before then. These boots grant you +10 movement speed (in addition to the other boots effects).

This rune sacrifices a bit of early game speed so that you can focus on power and later pick up your boots for free. Rioters in the comments confirmed that yes, Cassiopeia can't take this rune, and they explained in more detail how it works.

"You get a free pair of Boots of Speed with an extra benefit on them, you have to upgrade them yourself but they keep the extra movement speed," said Riot Wrekz.

The Rioters ended by saying that they'll be revealing more runes soon as well as the paths that each rune goes in.
