League of Legends: Singed Rebalance on the Horizon!

If you were to poll one hundred top laners about what their favorite champion to play on the Rift [...]

singed splash
(Photo: Riot Games)

If you were to poll one hundred top laners about what their favorite champion to play on the Rift is, you would receive a wide variety of answers. One answer that is virtually guaranteed to end up near the top of the list, however, is Singed. Despite his low pick rate, Singed is always one of the most popular champions in the game, and any time he's even remotely viable his fans will swarm back to him, no matter how cheesy the build in question might be.

Unfortunately, Singed hasn't exactly been at the top of his game recently. The last few years have been rough ones for Singed, and he's really only managed to fight his way to the forefront twice in recent memory. The first time was the infamous days of proxy Singed, which basically relied on the fact that champions who died many times without getting a returning kill used to eventually become worthless kills. Proxy Singed simply suicided into the enemy base over and over again all game while using Poison Trail to kill as many of the enemy minions as possible in the process. Surprisingly, the build was actually successful enough that Riot had to completely rework how kill gold was awarded. The more recent instance that Singed saw play was far more recent and occurred immediately after The Dark Seal's buffs at the beginning of Season Six's Summer Split. For a while, Singed simply filled his inventory with Dark Seals alongside a Corrupting Potion, and used the overwhelming sustain that build offered in order to...well do Singed things.

Still, Riot has never been terribly pleased with Singed's position as a "cheese" pick, rather than one who had a stable place in the metagame. Meddler himself addressed this earlier this week during his Gameplay notes, and hinted that Singed was on the cusp of getting a rather large rebalance.

"We're testing some Singed changes at the moment aimed at letting him be a more meaningful damage threat later in the game," He said. "That means shifting some power later in the game, giving him better AP ratios to reward builds that mix some AP and some tankiness. These changes won't be ready for 7.12, so expect to see them vanish from the PBE at some point soon, we'll be continuing to investigate them in future though."
