This Tilting League of Legends Video Is Tough to Watch

The League of Legends Facebook page shared a new video that features a compilation of some of the [...]

The League of Legends Facebook page shared a new video that features a compilation of some of the game's most tilting moments, and boy, it's tough to watch.

Riot Games' new video would, of course, start out with Teemo, a champion that's regarded as one of the most tilting characters to play against. The dart-blowing Yordle is shown dodging ultimates from Ashe, Sion, Jinx, Ezreal, and Lux as he weaves in and out of the middle of the map with just a sliver of health left. While the idea of having that team composition is tilting enough, the scene isn't one that would happen to often, so it's not so bad. But from there, the video shows players some scenes that'll hit much closer to home no matter what role you play.

Moving on from Teemo, the video largely consists of more missed ultimates whether it's a Lucian just barely out of range for The Culling to land on Malphite or the final and most important shot of Jhin's Curtain Call not quite hitting Zed when it needed to. But while closing out those heat of the moment battles with a missed ultimate can sometimes be attributed to simply choking during an intense fight, it's the simple mistakes that the video shows that truly hurt the most.

Take the Red buff leash when starting on the top side, for example. Anytime a jungler receives a leash from a damage-over-time champion like Twitch, Darius, or Teemo that causes damage over time, making sure that you either time your Smite to secure the buff or have the leasher leave early enough to avoid a potential steal is a pretty basic rule. But Jarvan IV losing his buff to Darius' bleed effect and standing there is something that most junglers have probably experienced at least once in their ganking career, an awful feeling that (hopefully) never happens a second time.

For those who weren't quite tilted yet and fancy themselves pretty tilt-proof, the rest of the montage doesn't get much better. From failed Flashes to botched combos and more missed Resonating Strikes from Lee Sin than anyone should have to watch in one sitting, this latest video from League of Legends is a tilter for sure.