Doctor Strange 2's Xochitl Gomez Talks Bonding With Other MCU Actresses

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is continuing to grow, with a number of beloved Marvel Comics characters being given the spotlight onscreen. In Phase 4, that has especially included a lot of female characters, with new actresses being brought into the fold to play heroes or antiheroes. That recently included Xochitl Gomez's take on America Chavez, who debuted in this year's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and quickly became a fan-favorite. Gomez has already been outspoken about how the Marvel community has made her feel welcome, with her co-star Elisabeth Olsen offering her some pretty significant advice on joining the franchise. In a recent interview with's Phase Zero Podcast to celebrate Multiverse of Madness' home release, Gomez spoke about that feeling of support from other Marvel women — and how she's also bonded with Iman Vellani and some of the other stars of Ms. Marvel.

"Yeah! I mean, there's a lot of representation for women coming up, especially with Iman," Gomez explained in our interview, which you can check out above. "It's just kind of a bond that I think is so important, especially because we grew up watching Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans, and you're watching that dynamic and you want to be a part of that group of people. And so what was really important to me was that I got to create this bond, especially with the girls. So, I had lunch with Iman, and I hung out with Yasmeen [Fletcher] and Laurel [Marsden] who are in Ms. Marvel. And just talking to them, actually, just sharing experiences — because being in a Marvel project is not like working on any of the project, also just being put into the public eye is really hard. So just being there for one another, and also just letting each other know that we can have fun, we can laugh and just be there for one another. I think that's really important, especially in this Marvel women group."

While America has not been confirmed to appear in another MCU project, there's definitely hype to see her onscreen — and it's something that Gomez is excited to further explore.

"Yeah! I mean, I haven't gotten told anything yet," Gomez explained elsewhere in our interview. "But obviously there's a lot more to America. I think we've only seen a brief introduction to America, and I'm very proud of how she's been received and that people love her and want to see more of her. And it just really warms my heart, because I feel like she's got lots of backstory that's just kind of been waiting to be told, and she's got more to discover about herself and her powers, and her moms of course, and all that. I think there's that."

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is now available on Digital, 4K, Blu-ray and DVD.