Tom Hiddleston Improvised Iconic Thor Line in Loki Season 2 Finale (Exclusive)

Tom Hiddleston called back to the very beginning with the Loki Season 2 finale.

The Loki Season 2 finale has been getting rave reviews since its release, teeing up the God of Mischief for an evolution to something much larger. Spoilers for the Loki Season 2 finale follow. By the time the second season's finale came to an end, Loki had made a decision to ascend to a brand new throne to save the multiverse created in the show's first season finale. Now, Loki is the "God of Everyone's Stories," according to co-director Aaron Moorhead. Upon making his to decision to accept the role, Tom Hiddleston's character echoed a line from the first Thor movie and it was actually a line which Hiddleston thought up, himself.

Towards the end of Thor, Loki yells to Odin as he has realized his ambitions prompted a failure. He wanted to succeed, "For you, for all of us!" Shortly thereafter, he falls into the cosmos only to return in The Avengers, where he tried to conquer New York City. As the events of Avengers: Endgame came along, Loki ended up leaving this time to begin his journey in the Loki series as a variant character who would not experience the events of Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, or Avengers: Infinity War. Just as he prepared himself to step out into time and become the God of Everyone's Stories, Loki looked to Mobius and Sylvie to say, "For you, for all of us."

Benson tells, that line was all Hiddleston's idea on the day of filming. "Actually, that line was something we were working with on the day and it didn't originally have the callback to Thor and Tom as we were doing a lot of takes of it because we knew it was his last line in the show and Tom said, 'What if we did a callback to the very beginning?' We did, I think one take of it and we were like, that's it."

Hiddleston's investment in the character remains unmatched. "In addition to being one of the nicest people on the planet, Tom is the greatest Loki historian on the planet," Moorhead added.

"He was for many movies and many episodes of a TV show, he was slowly becoming not just the antagonist of the show, but gaining this humanity," Loki Season 2 co-director Justin Benson said of Loki's arc in the finale. "Then that final moment, you see he's fully gaining his humanity, but now he must sacrifice it for a greater good."

What did you think of Loki Season 2? Share your thoughts in the comment sections! A full recap and review is available on the Phase Zero podcast, as well as our interview with Moorhead and Benson.
