Toy Story 4 Ending Explained

This weekend will be a bittersweet affair for lifelong Toy Story fans. On one hand, Toy Story 4 is [...]

This weekend will be a bittersweet affair for lifelong Toy Story fans. On one hand, Toy Story 4 is hitting theaters, giving us all a chance to see our favorite Pixar characters on the big screen again. On the other hand, this will probably be the last Toy Story movie ever, and it certainly delivers one of the two saddest endings of the entire franchise. It will bring the tears, that much is for sure, and this ending will be talked about for quite some time.

WARNING: This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Toy Story 4! Continue reading at your own risk...

So if Toy Story 3 was the end of Andy's story, Toy Story 4 is the end of Woody's. The entire movie features Woody coming to grips with his actual purpose in life, believing that he needs to be there for Bonnie despite the fact that the doesn't really care about him. Bo is essentially the leader of the Lost Toys, and shows him that there might be more to life beyond caring for one single kid.

This leads us to the finale of the movie, where Buzz and the other toys finally get back to the carnival to fetch Woody. He says goodbye to Bo but seems as though he might have had a change of heart about the whole thing. Buzz notices that something is going on, and he delivers one of the most important lines of the movie.

"She'll be okay."

Of course, Buzz wasn't talking about Bo. Instead, he was talking about Bonnie, telling Woody that they would be able to take care of their kid so he could stay with Bo and move on to the next stage of his life. Woody says goodbye to all of his friends, giving Jessie his sheriff's badge to pass the torch.

The final line of the movie is one that will certainly get fans emotional, as it ties everything about the entire series together. While the RV is driving away, Buzz looks back at his best friend and says, "To Infinity." The camera cuts back to Woody, who watches as Buzz drives away. With a smile on his face, Woody finishes the line, "And Beyond."

It's incredibly hard not to cry at the end of this movie, which is exactly what most Toy Story fans were expecting going into it.

Toy Story 4 is now playing in theaters.
