Joe Carnahan Set To Write Sony's Uncharted Movie
Nathan Drake is one step closer to the silver screen, courtesy of Director and Writer Joe [...]
Nathan Drake is one step closer to the silver screen, courtesy of Director and Writer Joe Carnahan.
Carnahan, whose writing has been featured in films like The Grey, The A-Team, and Smokin' Aces 1 & 2, is starting work on the script for Sony, but sadly won't be able to direct because of a scheduling conflict, as he told Variety.
"In a perfect world I would love to do both, but right now, I'm only on board to write the script," he said.
That could change if the production schedule for Uncharted makes an unforeseen switch at some point, but for now, he is perfectly content working on the script. Carnahan's fascination with Archaeology made the project an easy sell.
"Archaeology today is in itself an antiquity, but that world has always fascinated me. Especially when you go to a museum today and wonder how a piece got there to begin with," he said. "Plus, the property itself is so popular that it was hard to turn down an opportunity to work on it."
Carnahan is currently working on Bad Boys 3, which will reunite Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. As for the game, Uncharted 4 recently brought the series to its natural conclusion and met with critical and commercial success. Granted, that doesn't mean more Uncharted games couldn't come down the line, but they would probably feature a new character in the lead role.
Uncharted will be a joint venture between Arad and Atlas Entertainment Production, with Charles Roven, Avi Arad, Alex Gartner, and Ari Arad servicing as Producers, and Jonathan Kadin taking the lead on the project.