Boxwars Takes Cardboard To All New Levels Of Awesome

Let's say you just moved, and you have a bunch of cardboard boxes lying around. What do you do? [...]

(Photo: Boxwars)

Let's say you just moved, and you have a bunch of cardboard boxes lying around. What do you do? Set up a small obstacle course for your cats, perhaps, or collapse them to put them in storage until the next move? Hoss Siegel (no relation) and Ross Koger take a very different approach. They have Boxwars.

The pair talked with appropriately named website OddityCentral about their concept - to make armor and structures out of cardboard boxes, one they said came into fruition after "a lot of drinking."

The pair, and the group of people who join the party, started with basic cut-a-hole-out-of-a-box style armor, but continuously get more complex. Armor and weaponry that mimics greco-roman styles, full-sized vehicles, and even "large robots with lights." The event, now at a park and host to dozens if not hundreds of combatants, hits each Boxing Day in Australia - for over a dozen years.

Check out the video for more on this original - and a little crazy - idea.