David Hasselhoff Comic Book Announced

While David Hasselhoff famously played Nick Fury in a TV movie, Marvel Studios overlooked the Hoff [...]

David Hasselhoff comic book

While David Hasselhoff famously played Nick Fury in a TV movie, Marvel Studios overlooked the Hoff when they cast Samuel L. Jackson to play Nick Fury in the recent batch of Avengers movies. However, instead of playing a comic book character in a movie, David Hasselhoff now looks to go in the reverse direction. The Hoff will actually become a comic book character. Retro Comics Group has officially announced that David Hasselhoff will be making his debut as the Hoff in an upcoming Retro Tales comic book issue, before spinning off into his own comic book title. The Hoff will be teaming up with the Discotronic Funk Commandos in Retro Tales. Retro Tales artist Simon Williams said, "I am so incredibly proud to be able to announce this… getting to speak to David and exchange ideas for this has been beyond awesome. It's very surreal, but also very, very cool when my mobile rings… and it's David Hasselhoff!! David has told me that I'm officially 'Hofftastic'… possibly the most amazing compliment of my career!!" The Hoff character, co-created by the Hoff and Simon will be portrayed as a time-travelling agent of H.O.F.F. (Heroes Of Fearless Freedom). The team-up with the Funk Commandos is being co-written by Simon Williams and David Hasselhoff.