Man Of Steel New Trailer Description Leaked?

We know there is a new Man of Steel trailer right around the corner, because Warner Bros. has [...]

new Man of Steel trailer

We know there is a new Man of Steel trailer right around the corner, because Warner Bros. has already confirmed that they will be presenting new footage for all their upcoming summer blockbusters at CinemaCon on Tuesday, April 16. It would make sense that some people in the industry would already have gotten a look at the CinemaCon footage. What is a little less clear is when the new Man of Steel trailer will be released to the public and if it will contain all of the footage shown at CinemaCon or not. We're hearing that a new Man of Steel trailer might be attached to Oblivion, but there has yet to be ratings classification surface for the Man of Steel on the Alberta Film Ratings site, which usually happens before a release. Some are suggesting Warner Bros. might hold the trailer to go with one of their own movies like The Great Gatsby or Hangover Part III. Taking all that into consideration, a description for the rumored third trailer has surfaced on IMDB. While it could be a fake description, the information matches up with what we know about the Man of Steel so far, so it does look like it could be genuine. Here are the highlights. The trailer apparently starts off with more footage from the second trailer, where bearded Clark Kent asks where he comes from. If the trailer does indeed start this way, it might make people groan in fear of seeing the exact same footage re-cut again. However, after that initial splash of old footage, things really pick up with the background music kicking in and brand new footage. There is footage of Krypton, which is described as having building that both look futuristic and medieval. There is reportedly no dialogue with the initial Krypton scenes. The Kryptonian citizens are described as dressing like royalty, Geishas, and futuristic soldiers. Then, there is a shot of someone standing in a hall full of people. It's Jor-El who turns around. Another shot shows Zod turning around from a different location. There is battle footage of people fighting, including Jor-El fighting Zod. Apparently, Zod is winning in the fight and delivering a beating to Jor-El. A bloody and beaten Jor-El then points something that looks like a gun at the back of Zod's head. The next scene shows Zod and Faora in a darkened room in the midst or spinning circles. Zod is looking down, while Faora is looking straight ahead. Hundreds of people are watching them, so this sounds like a scene of Zod and Faora being exiled to the Phantom Zone. Then, there is more repeat footage of Jor-El and Lara kissing, along with a new shot of baby Kal-El being put in a spaceship right before Krypton explodes. The scene then moves from Krypton to Earth with a bearded Clark Kent talking to an image of Jor-El in the Fortress of Solitude. Then, there is a shot of a man with glasses, who is in a room filled with computers. He is frightened by something on one of the screens in front of him. Zod is shown walking in a desert with Faora and two other people. The next segment of the trailer is reportedly a compilation of some very intense action sequences showing the military getting defeated, buildings getting destroyed, soldiers running away, and people all around the world looking at TVs and computers. After some voiceovers in multiple languages, things really pick up. Superman zooms past clouds, before landing in front of Zod and two other men. The men try to punch Superman, but he disappears, only to return and punch out each of the men. Superman and Zod fight, and Superman knocks Zod to the ground. Superman tells Zod to stay down so he doesn't have to hurt him anymore, but Zod gets up to punch back at Superman. Before Superman can punch Zod again, Faora stops Superman's punch. Faora apparently gives Superman quite a beating (which is something that has long been rumored). Other shots listed as being part of the trailer include fat kid pushing young Clark against a locker, young Clark screaming with his hands on his head, adult Clark standing in front of a grave, bearded Clark signalling some workers to run, Lois Lane in winter clothing, Christopher Meloni facing Superman, Superman punching Zod in the face, Superman and Zod crashing into buildings, people on Krypton dying, Zod putting on a mask with his back to the camera, and the familiar scene of Superman getting flung into a bank vault. Voiceovers are said to include Lois Lane asking who Clark Kent is, and Zod telling Superman that the Universe is committing genocide. The trailer is said to end with a segment showing Faora knocking Superman down to his knees, and Superman letting out a window-shattering scream. Now, this could all be fake, because most of the description includes stuff that has been rumored about the Man of Steel for awhile. If it is a real description though, it certainly sounds like it is going to be an epic trailer. Also, if this is real, the description of the footage is so long, we also wonder if it might be the footage that will be shown at CinemaCon rather than necessarily the third trailer released to the public.