Star Trek Into Darkness Prequel Comic Reveals John Harrison

If you plan on going to see Star Trek Into Darkness this summer (and who isn't), then you really [...]

Star Trek Countdown to Darkness #4

If you plan on going to see Star Trek Into Darkness this summer (and who isn't), then you really need to be reading the Star Trek Countdown To Darkness comic book from IDW. Star Trek Countdown To Darkness doesn't spoil the movie as far as we can tell, but it raises a lot of questions that have us even more excited for the movie. Star Trek into Darkness featured a character named Robert April as the main protagonist, who has a brief past history in the Star Trek Universe. Many (including us) have suspected that Robert April might in fact be John Harrison. The fourth issue of Star Trek Countdown Into Darkness answers that question. If you don't want to know, then stop reading now because this could be considered a spoiler for the comic. On the final page of Star Trek Countdown To Darkness #4, John Harrison is revealed entering the Starfleet Data Archives in London. While we only see the back of John Harrison's head, the reveal comes at a time when Robert April appears to be aboard the Enterprise. We use the word appears, because while the John Harrison appearance looks to be occurring in the present time of the story, it could always be meant to be a jump forward in time (even though there is no indication as such). Does the comic book reveal who John Harrison is? No, it does now. The best we get is ruling out one potential suspect. What the comic does do though is introduce some new characters and provide some background story that should enhance the enjoyment of the movie. First off, the comic introduces us to Harry Mudd's daughter. Not sure if she will play a role in the movie, but she's definitely an interesting new addition to the Star Trek Universe, as she's carrying somewhat of a torch for Captain Kirk. Second, the Star Trek Countdown To Darkness gives us a little insight into Admiral Marcus, who is being played by Peter Weller in the film. Admiral Marcus is never actually shown directly in Star Trek Countdown To Darkness, but information is given on his past history involving Robert April. By reading the comic, viewers will have a little bit better understanding of the type of person Admiral Marcus is going to be in the movie, which could play out in regards to if he always follows Starfleet protocol or not. Finally, while we have no idea if Robert April will appear in the movie or not, the comic is essential for his background story. With all the build-up around Robert April, we get the feeling that he must factor into the movie, but he could ultimately prove to be a hero instead of a villain.