The most recent episode of Game of Thrones, “Book of the Stranger,” had several standout moments, but there was one that especially captured the imaginations of many fans. As Brienne of Tarth rode into Castle Black alongside Sansa Stark, she locked eyes with the Wildling chieftain Tormund Giantsbane. As far as many fans are concerned, sparks immediately flew.
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The sparks continued as Tormund gazed longingly at Brienne over a meal. Were fans just seeing what they wanted to see? The episode’s director, Dan Sackheim, says no, fans are seeing exactly what was intended from Tormund.
“I wasn’t even sure that when I delivered the episode it was really clear,” Sackheim tells TVGuide.com. “It was like a fun little bit, but I wasn’t sure it was really clear that he had these amorous feelings for Brienne. I’m always amazed what fans pick up.”
Unfortunately for Tormund, as well as all of the Brienne-Tormund (Brormund? Trienne? Tarthbane?) shippers that have sprouted up, Tormund’s amorous overtures aren’t likely to be reciprocated by Brienne.
“I think it was fairly one-sided, but that’s OK,” Sackheim says. “There’s nothing like a challenge. Men love a challenge.”
Perhaps fighting alongside of each other in battle will help open Brienne’s eyes to Tormund’s unique charms. After the reading of “The Bastard Letter” in “Book of the Stranger,” Tormund and Brienne find themselves on the same side of what looks to be a coming “Battle of the Bastards,” with Jon Snow, the Wildlings and the Northern houses still loyal to the Starks marching against the Boltons and the disloyal Northern houses like House Umber and House Karstark at Winterfell.
Game of thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.

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