Boba Fett was Original Main Villain of Star Wars: Episode VI

Before it became Return of the Jedi, and before it was even Revenge of the Jedi, the fairly [...]

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Before it became Return of the Jedi, and before it was even Revenge of the Jedi, the fairly well-known early title, it could have been a very different movie.

When there were going to be nine films, the trilogy of 7-8-9 were going to be about Luke confronting Darth Vader and the Emperor, according to an interview with Craig Miller, former Lucasfilm fan relations officer. That meant Episode VI would be much more Boba Fett and Han Solo-centric.

"Originally Boba Fett was set up in Empire as a character, and the third movie's plot was going to be more about Boba Fett, rescuing Han Solo and all of that. Boba was gonna be the main villain… That was set up, why he was taking Han Solo away, why there was a thing with him in the Christmas special," Miller said.

But when the second trilogy of films following Episode VI were scrapped, so was Boba Fett's epic story line, "which is why in the first ten minutes, Boba Fett gets bumped into and falls into the mouth of a giant monster."

While Boba Fett still went on to be a popular character in his own right, and the tighter story was probably the right way to go anyway.