Who Dies in House of the Dragon Episode 5?

The first four episodes of HBO's House of the Dragon have been nothing short of eventful, but things are only going to get more intense as the show's first season continues. There's a major time jump coming very soon, which will see Alicent and Rhaenyra become adults, and the realm eventually descend into war. As that period of turmoil gets closer and closer, it's easy to wonder when some of the major characters on the show will begin to fall.

One of the most significant deaths to come in the world of Westeros is King Viserys Targaryen. We know his death will ultimately start a conflict between his children, leading to the war known as the "Dance of Dragons." What we don't know is exactly when he will die on the show, since some details and timing for specific events will likely change. 

Based on what the show has been doing with Viserys' sickness, however, his death has to happen soon. The king has a form of leprosy and he's been getting worse with every episode. He has wounds on his body and has lost multiple fingers to the illness. It's only a matter of time before he dies on the show, and that event could arrive during Sunday night's episode?

When Will King Viserys Die?

In Fire & Blood, Viserys is killed in his sleep a little later in his life, when he and Alicent's children are a little bit older. Whether or not Alicent kills him isn't confirmed, but she's believed to be the one to bring his sickness to an end while Rhaenyra isn't around in order to crown Aegon king. 

On House of the Dragon, we aren't quite there yet. Aegon is still fairly young. The big time jump will likely need to occur on the show before this ending for Viserys plays out. That said, the events of the King's death could be changed for the show, which would allow it to happen sooner than some would expect. 

At one point or another, King Viserys will die, and it'll probably happen before the first season comes to an end. Peace throughout the realm will end once he passed.

What do you think will happen in Sunday's episode of House of the Dragon? Let us know in the comments!
