The Mandalorian Fans Are Loving Koska Reeves Return and Amazing Boba Fett Moment
Fans who tuned into the season finale of The Mandalorian got several surprises by episode's end, [...]
Some fans are calling a legendary moment, especially as she went toe to toe with a Star Wars legend.
Legendary 🙌🙌
— A.W V2💎 (@AWV23) December 18, 2020
Bacta Tank
Before the fight even begins fans were loving the back and forth between the two, especially the Bacta Tank threat.
Mando spoilers
Don't mess with #KoskaReeves
— Daniel (@DannyDiaz60) December 18, 2020
So, so proud of you!
"Mando spoilers
Don't mess with #KoskaReeves
So, so proud of you!"
As you can see in the clip, this fight is awesome, and we would've watched an even longer battle between the two. Fans heartily agreed.
So proud of you ❤️
— Alan ⛓ | Koska Reeves (@SeshaWWE) December 18, 2020
You’re so badass 🔥
"So proud of you Red heart
You're so badass "
A Whooping
It wasn't just the battle that impressed, but the fact that Reeves at one point practically owned Boba Fett, smashing him through a table.
You put a whooping on #BobaFett
— Zande 🇨🇩 #BLM (@KingZairois) December 18, 2020
"You put a whooping on #BobaFett"
Congrats and Damn!
Fans congratulated Varnado on a return to the show but also on that amazing sequence against an icon.
Congrats Mercedes, I am so happy for you being in the best Star Wars episode since the OG trilogy.
Ps: Damn girl, you stood up to Boba F*******g Fett, now that's badass
— Lamberto Gabrieli (@lambertomusic) December 18, 2020
"Congrats Mercedes, I am so happy for you being in the best Star Wars episode since the OG trilogy.
Ps: Damn girl, you stood up to Boba F*******g Fett, now that's badass"
Jet Pack DDT
This tweet sums it up pretty perfectly actually, and now I'm just jealous I didn't write it!
You gave Boba Fett a jet pack-assisted tornado DDT through a table.
— Jeff Ferguson (@gradualferguson) December 18, 2020
"You gave Boba Fett a jet pack-assisted tornado DDT through a table.
A DDT For The Ages
That DDT through a table moment was epic, and fans couldn't get enough.
The spinning tornado DDT on Boba Fett...legendary...fantastic job @SashaBanksWWE on the season 2 finale of #TheMandalorian #KoskaReeves
— Ray Daniel Rodil (@furiouseight) December 18, 2020
"The spinning tornado DDT on Boba Fett...legendary...fantastic job @SashaBanksWWE on the season 2 finale of #TheMandalorian #KoskaReeves"