AEW Stars Crowned new AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions at Triplemania XXX: Monterrey

Those looking for another night of epic wrestling found it with AAA's Triplemania XXX: Monterrey, though if you're also a fan of All Elite Wrestling you found even more to like, as two AEW stars ended up competing for and winning some Championship gold by the time the night was over. Los Vipers (Are and Chik Tormenta) were set to defend the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championships against three other teams, including Sexy Star and Octagon Jr, Maravilla and Latigo, and AEW's Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti, and it would be Guevara and Conti emerging from the match victorious.

There were some shenanigans in play, as before the match Guevara was walking using a crutch and said he wasn't going to be able to wrestle. Parka Negra would step in for him and take his spot in the match, but Guevara would tell Conti that there was a plan and everything was under control.

Later in the match Guevara would hit the ring and take out the other wrestlers with his crutch. He would then ditch the crutch and tell Parka Negra to leave, revealing he had paid them off. Guevara and Conti would get a double pin to secure the win and take the Titles, though Guevara had to pay off the referee to get him to raise their hands in victory.

Guevara and Conti are now your AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions, and after their win they held their Titles up high and celebrated, with Guevara taunting the cameras and those watching, yelling be mad at them. It would very much seem that Guevara and Conti are heels for sure now with their actions over the past few weeks, and this was very much in keeping with a heel approach. Now they are Champions, and I'm sure we'll hear more about this victory on Dynamite and Rampage.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!