'Legion' Recap With Spoilers: "Chapter 10"

David, Lenny, and Oliver are on a carousel. David asks Lenny if she is really her. Oliver says it [...]

David, Lenny, and Oliver are on a carousel. David asks Lenny if she is really her. Oliver says it doesn't matter.David says he's going to help them because Syd told him to, but he wants no more lies and to get his friends back and also for no one to get hurt. They agree and decide to go tonight.

There's a fortune teller in a field. Oliver sits with the fortune teller. The Fortuneteller looks like Oliver.

David, Syd, and Ptonomy ride with Fukuyama's androids, the Vermillion. Fukuyama wants to kill Oliver when they find him. Ptonomy suggests they find Oliver before Fukuyama.

David takes point for Division 3's forces as they approach the empty fortune teller's stall where a music box rests. The music reminds Syd of her childhood.

While David and the others are gone, the Shadow King uses Oliver's body to assault the Division 3 base.

Cary studies the orb. He says it's definitely not Shi'ar and he can't shake the feeling that he's the one that constructed it.

The Shadow King finds the room where the chattering people are being kept. Cary hears the Shadow King coming. Cary tries to reach out to Oliver. The Shadow King assaults Cary psychically. Cary lets Kerry, but the Shadow King freezes her in place. David, Sy, and Ptonomy return to the base and find Cary and Kerry, but the Shadow King is gone. Cary and Kerry have trouble merging. When they do, Cary's arm is sticking out of Kerry's body.

The Shadow King visits Melanie in her room. When Melanie awakes, she tells Fukuyama that the Shadow King is looking for a Miko monk. The Monks were supposedly eliminated by the Mizer Sunday some time ago, but rumor has it the Shadow King's body was left with them.

David remembers telling the Shadow King that "nobody gets hurt" as he examines the ashes of one of the Division 3 soldiers the Shadow King obliterated.

Kerry is trying to deal with being on the outside with Cary within. David asks for help with using the chamber, but Kerry points out she is not the science guy. David wants to extend his psychic abilities beyond space and time to achieve multidimensional perception. Cary says its too dangerous but they're going to try anyway.

David is able to make contact with Future Syd. She says it's not possible for him to be there. She says she never thought she'd see him again like this. He asks if he's dead in the future and she says it's complicated. He tries to read her mind but he can't. He says he has to know why she wants him to help the Shadow King.

Future Syd reveals that David kills Farouk about a week from now in her timeline. She says they need Farouk for when things turn, that something much more deadly is coming.

The narrator begins talking about reality and perception. Unlike other animals, humans can be taught wrong ideas. Because of this, humans are the only animals that go mad.

Clark finds David and pulls him aside into the cafeteria. Clark asks if David's line about transcending space-time worked or if he found the Shadow King. David says he's realized that Farouk keeps other minds to hide inside. Clark accuses David of colluding with the Shadow King. David says he saw Farouk in the desert. Clark notes that David previously said he didn't know what Faroul looked like.

David reaches out with his mind to contact the Shadow King. He ends up back in the field with the fortune teller's booth and crystal ball. He rings the bell on the booth. Farou appears in his own form. Farouk tells David he needs to get up from the kiddie table, that they are gods.

David and Farouk begin a psychic duel that manifests as a wrestling match. Then Farouk becomes a samurai. David becomes a tank. Farouk becomes a smoke cloud and then they wrestle again. Farouk snaps them out of it. Farouk says that if David helps find his body then he will be in David's debt, which means something where he comes from. Farouk promises not to kill anymore. David agrees to find the monk if he's at Division 3.

David leaves. Lenny talks to Farouk, suggests that now that Farouk is face-to-face with David that she can go. He points out that she's dead now, and her body is dead. Lenny asks if Farouk can make her a new body. He asks her what she would do. She'd live, she'd die again...and then what?

Kerry is still struggling with having Cary inside of her. At Cary's request, she begins singing a tune. Cary emerges. Kerry asks Cary to fix it so that she doesn't have to live through the boring stuff. Cary notices strands of white in Kerry's hair.

Melanie tells David about Oliver's dream of building Summerland and now she never had a dream of her own. Farouk's words are still ringing in David's head. Melanie says she was wrong when she told David that his ability was a gift. Instead, she believes it's an obstacle. She tells him to leave, take Syd and settle down and live his life.

David finds Syd up on the roof. She's behaving like a cat. Then he hears her voice telepathic coming from a cat nearby and realizes she's switched bodies with the cat. David tells Syd that he knows who took him in the orb, that it was her from the future and that she told him to help Farouk find his body. Syd says the music box they found was her's from when she was a kid and she didn't like seeing it again. David said it was Farouk who did that, not him. Syd agrees to go along with it. They go searching for the monk, who is in the room with the chattering people.