
The Walking Dead’s Five Best Zombie Kills

The Walking Dead is in it’s yearly remission but that doesn’t mean we’re not sitting here […]

The Walking Dead is in it’s yearly remission but that doesn’t mean we’re not sitting here thinking about the zombie drama. 

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As time has gone by, both the showrunners and characters have gotten better and better at finding creative methods zombie killing. Zombieland‘s Tallahassee would be so proud. Daryl, Eugene, the Governor, Michonne, and well… a well claim our top 5 zombie kills list from the first five seasons of The Walking Dead.

Well Walker


Early in the series, our survivors were a still bit hesitant towards walkers. The well walker from season two made for one of the most questionable decisions by the group but resulted in one of the most memorable walker deaths. In the words of the late great T-Dog, “Good thing we didn’t do something stupid like shoot it.”

Governor’s Daughter


Although this walker killing isn’t the most creative, it was so gratifying to see the Governor experience such horror. Don’t call me heartless… The little girl was dead already. Michonne driving her katana through it’s head was so exciting. For the first time, a walker who wasn’t previously a character to speak to us, became a character who really had an impact. 

Pit Walkers


The Governor got trapped in a pit with his new found daughter and completely snapped when a pair of walkers came at him. One of them got their throat ripped at by the mad man’s bare hand…


…and the other had it’s jaw ripped open by a human bone found in the pit. Ruthless!

Firetruck Walkers


Rarely do we raise our hands and cheer with Eugene, the weird liar who definitely isn’t a scientist. After Abraham started up a firetruck only for it power down a few feet later, a horde of walkers emerged from the door it had been holding shut. Abraham and Rosalita struggled to contain the horde and Eugene saved the day as he hosed down the deteriorated walkers from the top of the fire truck, making for one the most creative disposables of zombies in cinematic history.

Trunk Smash Walker


Daryl smashing a zombie’s head in the trunk of a car has to be, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the best zombie kill of The Walking Dead‘s series to date. Seriously, how do you top that? Daryl is a bad, bad man! We’ve seen our character be crafty and use whatever is around them to kill walkers plenty of times but this brings use of the environment to an all-time high.

Bonus: Daryl Whips Walkers With A Chain


Speaking of Daryl’s being creative, how about the time he used a chain to whip the heads off a trio of walkers as he and Aaron fled from a trap? This is among the best displays of precision, craftiness, and being a zombie warrior. Keep up the good work, Daryl. Do you even need that crossbow anymore?

What is your favorite zombie kill of all-time from The Walking Dead or any other show/movie for that matter? Post an image or GIF in the comment section!