Shaman King Flowers Releases New Trailer

08/14/2023 05:31 pm EDT

Shaman King Flowers will be picking up from where Shaman King's story left off in a new sequel, and now fans have gotten a new look at the upcoming anime with a new trailer! Hiroyuki Takei's Shaman King manga series surprisingly made a huge comeback with a new reboot anime series adapting the complete manga's story a couple of years ago, and fans finally got the full experience as intended. Shortly after the anime wrapped up its run, fans realized how full of an experience this would actually become as the Shaman King Flowers official sequel manga announced its own anime adaptation as well

Shaman King creator Hiroyuki Takei first released Shaman King Flowers as an official sequel series with Shueisha's Jump X magazine back in 2012, and follows Yoh and Anna's son Hana Asakura taking on his own adventure. This is the first time the official sequel manga series is getting an anime of its own, and now fans can see a new look at what to expect from the new group of fighters (with some brand new additions revealed for the first time with this new look) with the newest trailer released for Shaman King Flowers below: 

Shaman King Flowers: What to Know

Shaman King Flowers is currently scheduled for a release some time in January as part of the Winter 2024 anime schedule. Takeshi Furuta is returning from Shaman King (2021) to direct the Shaman King Flowers anime, Shoji Yonemura is returning to handle the scripts for the series, and Mayuko Yamamoto will be handling the character designs. Returning members of the cast include the likes of Nana Mizuki as Tamao Tamamura, Takumu Miyazono as Ponchi, Noriaki Kanze as Konchi, Masahiko Tanaka as Ryunosuke Umemiya, and Wataru Takagi as Tokagero. 

New additions to the voice cast for Shaman King Flowers include Yoko Hikasa as Hana Asakura, Katsuyuki Konishi as Amidamaru, Sumire Uesaka as Alumi Niumbirch, Shun Horie as Yohane Asakura, Michiko Kaiden as Gakko Ibuki, Romi Park as Tao Men, Ami Koshimizu as Luca Asakura, Kentaro Ito as Daikyоo Oboro, Kenta Miyake as Ryuji Ichihara, and Chihiro Ueda as Namaha. You can currently catch up with the Shaman King reboot anime series now streaming in its entirety on Netflix. 

How are you liking the look of the Shaman King Flowers sequel anime so far? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!

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