
The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: The Next World

Rick cuts holes in a belt as rock music plays in the background. A photo of Carl with an eyepatch […]

Rick cuts holes in a belt as rock music plays in the background. A photo of Carl with an eyepatch sits on a dresser. Michonne walks in, fresh out of the shower. She calls for Carl and he reveals he is out of toothpaste. He is wearing a patch over his eye. Rick picks up Judith and heads out. Michonne tells him to be careful, they high five, and she requests spearmint gum and baking soda.

Outside, Norman catches Denise in the streets. He asks her what she’s talking about with a specific item on the list she gave him and she reveals the “pop” is for Tara although Denise personally doesn’t like soda. She briefed him on the priorities of food, medicine, and other supplies. Denise gets a little weird and Daryl starts walking away.

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Rick and Daryl drive out of the Alexandria gate. Eugene gives them a map of agricultural supplies in the area and suggests they start farming in the area. Rick starts to pull the car away.

Rick talks to Daryl, optimistic that they’ll find somebody while they’re out. Rick puts a CD in and Daryl pleads with him not to. Rick starts snapping to some blues music and Daryl can’t stand it!

Michonne watches the outsides of Alexandria from atop the walls. She notices someone walking into the woods with a shovel on their back and starts to follow.

Maggie approaches Enid who is sitting on a bench writing. Maggie asks Enid where she’s been while everyone has been working to get the Safe-Zone back together. Enid tries to dodge the conversation by saying she’s been “nowhere” and Maggie offers her the chance to come talk.

Rick runs a stop sign and flies through an intersection but backs up after noticing the Sorghum farm at the right turn. They cautiously open the garage door on the farm and find a truck inside, which they also open cautiously. It is loaded with supplies. They look inside and plan their trip back to Alexandria.

On the way back, they pass a gas station and attempt to scavenge it. Daryl asks for Rick’s help flipping a vending machine but the two can’t do it. Daryl chains it to the truck to flip it over and reveal its front side. A man in a beanie hat and bandana covering his face slams into Rick.

Rick and Daryl draw their guns and the man asks them to take it easy. He says he was running from the dead. Rick lowers his weapon and thanks the man for letting them know. Daryl eventually does, too. The man asks if they have a camp but they tell him they don’t. The man tells them the same. Rick introduces himself and Daryl and the man says his name is Paul Rovio but his friends call him Jesus. Rick wants to ask him his standard three questions but Jesus runs off. Rick tells Daryl that the man was clean and there’s more to him than the thought. Gunshots ring out from behind the gas station and Daryl and Rick run over to them to find it is actually firecrackers in a trash can. Rick realizes Jesus swiped his keys. They run back around front to find their truckload of supplies driving away.

In the woods, Spencer tries to practice putting down walkers but he is hesitant. Michonne bails him out. He questions her confidence in him. He tells her he goes out and walks after his shifts and she’s the first to notice. She asks about the shovel and Spencer wants to continue his walk. Michonne tells him that his mom told her she needed to figure out what she wants and right now she wants to figure out why he’s walking around with a shovel.

Carl and Enid walk around some pleasantly lit woods as optimistic music accompanies the scene, similar to that of Morgan’s common theme song. Enid finds a note on the ground but it’s wet and she can’t read it but she says it signifies they’re not alone. Carl is pessimistic and Enid questions why they come out in the woods. Carl says, “Because we’re kids. It’s what they do.”

Rick and Daryl run down the street and eventually find their vending machine. Daryl breaks into with a crowbar. He collects orange sodas and says they’re for the doctor. Rick argues that they didn’t know Denise before and she saved Carl’s life so they should give other people chances, too. Just not this guy.

Carl sits in the woods with Enid and reads Robert Kirkman’s Incincible comics. They hear something and while Enid wants to leave, Carl draws his gun. They see Michonne and Spencer walking by. Enid tells Carl she doesn’t want to come out here anymore. Carl packs up his comics, puts his hat on, says “Okay,” and leads the way back home. They find a walker in the woods and call it over to put it down. It scares Carl and Enid wants to put it down. He grabs her and pushes her away, sending her home, after he knocks the walker to the ground.

Rick and Daryl continue their run, this time time having found some tire tracks. In the near distance, they see Jesus with their truck. They approach him. Rick grabs him from behind and says, “Hold still and maybe we won’t hurt you.” Jesus fights them both off but they draw their guns and corner him. He calmly questions whether or not they have bullets and they simultaneously shoot down a nearby walker. He insists they know he’s not a bad guy and Rick asks what he knows about them. Rick demands the keys. A few moments later, he’s tying up Jesus and leaving him behind as he and Daryl get in the truck and drive away.

Rick plays some more music. He and Daryl eat some snacks and Rick continues with his optimism. They hear something banging and realize Jesus is on their roof. Rick slams the brakes and he comes flying down from atop the truck. Jesus gets up and starts running and Rick follows him. Daryl jumps out of the truck and chases on foot. Rick puts down a few walkers as Daryl wrestles with Jesus in the truck. Jesus grabs Daryl’s gun and tells him to duck, killing the walker approaching from behind. Daryl takes his gun back but the truck starts rolling backwards into a lake. The door hits Jesus and knocks him out. Rick and Daryl debate what to do about the unconscious Jesus who just helped Daryl.

Spencer and Michonne continue their walk. They talk about home and Deanna. Spencer insists that before he can think about starting the new life, he needs to take care of something. Michonne wants to help but he insists she can’t. Michonne hears Carl running through the woods with a walker chasing him. She sees it and realizes it’s Deanna. Spencer calmly draws his knife and prepares to put her down. Michonne grabs undead Deanna and Spencer holds her head and puts her down. He looks to Michonne and says, “So, that’s why I was out here.”

Later, Spencer finishes burying Deanna and Michonne carves a “D” into a nearby tree. He tells Michonne that she left him a note saying he still knew his way but he doesn’t believe he did. Michonne says if he loved his family then he knew his way.

Rick and Daryl ride back to Alexandria with an unconscious Jesus in the back seat. Rick insists Daryl wouldn’t have left him behind. He tells Daryl that he, Michonne, and Glenn saw the remaining humanity when they got to Alexandria and jerks the car so Jesus falls onto Daryl. He says he is finally listening.

Carl sits with Judith and shows her the North Star, telling her to find that star if she gets lost at night. Michonne asks if he had a good day and tells him she saw what he did with Deanna. She tells Carl, “You should’ve left her or killed her.” He tells her that’s stupid and Michonne would’ve done the same thing. He says he couldn’t kill Deanna. It should be someone who loved her or someone who is family and he would do it for Michonne. They embrace one another and she tells him, “Me too.”

Rick pulls up to the gate and the headlights reveal a sign that says, “Welcome to the Alexandria Safe Zone.” Daryl tells Rick he’s been thinking about how Rick said they shouldn’t be looking for people anymore. Rick tells Daryl he was wrong and Daryl was right.

Inside, they carry Jesus into the infirmary. Denise asks who he is and they insist she hurry because he’s heavy. Daryl insists he isn’t staying. They leave him unconscious in their prison room with water and a note. Rick looks to Daryl and says, “It is pretty stupid of us to go out there, isn’t it?” Daryl replies, “Yup. We’ll do it again tomorrow?” Rick replies, “Yup.”

Later, Michonne approaches Rick on the couch with a baby monitor. He starts to tell Michonne about how they found a guy but doesn’t get into details. He asks Michonne to tell him about her day and she vaguely does. Rick grabs a pack of gum and gives it to Michonne. They laugh about the tough day and their hands fall together. They look at one another and slowly begin to kiss on the couch. Rick puts the mints on the table and things pick up on the couch as Rick gets on top of her.

The next day, Rick and Michonne wake up in bed. Someone whispers to Rick to wake up and he and Michonne jump out of bed naked to find Jesus standing at the foot of the bed.