Arrow's Stephen Amell Talks Future Of Olicity

One of the most talked about aspects of CW's Arrow is the relationship between Oliver Queen and [...]

One of the most talked about aspects of CW's Arrow is the relationship between Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. Fans either love it or hate but they make sure their voices are heard, regardless.

To end season four, Team Arrow was split up, as were Oliver and Felicity. Their engagement has been called off and they find themselves in a tough spot. Surely, they're future will be addressed when the show returns in the fall but where will find them? More specifically, will they get married?

One fan decided to bring those questions to Stephen Amell during his panel at Wizard World's Philadelphia comic convention over the weekend.

"I don't know," Amell says of whether Oliver will wed Felicity. "I know that it was important, especially at the end of season four with everything that happened and with Laurel Lance's death that their relationship get put on the back burner because I think that there were more pressing issues, obviously. So, I don't know what's gonna happen in season five. I do know that... I don't believe that they begin season five together, so we'll see where it goes from there."

As for Felicity's willingness to leave the relationship, Amell is pretty impartial to the character's choices. "I felt like she was relatively quick to walk away but she's a fictional character," he says. "She can do what she wants."

Arrow will return for its fifth season this fall on the CW, along with three other DC Comics TV shows: The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow.