Gotham Recap with Spoilers: Blood Rush

After last week's crazy acid trip, fans may need a deep breath this week. We still have a lot of [...]

After last week's crazy acid trip, fans may need a deep breath this week. We still have a lot of rapidly-evolving (and devolving) relationships to worry about, Barnes getting more affected by Alice's poison blood, and Jim Gordon's return to the GCPD to deal with, though. Let's begin! Spoilers follow, obviously.



"Blood Rush" kicks off with a guy loading up a truck - with a dead body. Captain Barnes sees the guy getting into his truck and looking suspicious, and takes note. After some consideration, he decides to follow him, and finds him disolving the body in acid. It's... pretty bad. He's chopped the body up quite a bit, too. Barnes is getting pissed (and the bad blood is flowing). The guy claims he's just a cleaner and "The Toad" gave him the job. Wait - are they bringing in Mister Toad? Anyway, Barnes kills the dude.

Lee and Mario have a chat, including her breaking the news that Jim Gordon is going back to the GCPD. Mario's not happy about that, and them working together.

Jim's return to the GCPD doesn't include any "bit to do," aside from Bullock tossing him a badge again.

Nygma and Isabella have a romantic breakfast. In the apartment where he murdered her doppelganger? No, looks like it's somewhere new. She's going away for a couple days for a Librarian conference. When she puts on a pair of glasses, she looks a little too much like Kringle and it shakes Ed (again, this is in fact the same actress). When he runs to get a breath in the bathroom, he sees Kringle in the mirror, and she gives him some psychological torture: "It's only a matter of time before you..." (kill her too).

Bullock and Gordon go to the warehouse and find Barnes' victim, but have no reason to suspect him, of course. The guy was brutalized and beheaded. Yowza.

Barnes goes to chat with Mad Hatter, who delights in the idea that his sister is "inside Barnes." Hatter wants a tit-for-tat; if Barnes tells him what darkness has awoken, then Hatter will help him get rid of it. He tells him there's rage at criminals, and Hatter tells him the cure is to "give in."

Lee and Jim meet up at GCPD, and he delivers the news that Vale dropped him. It gets a bit awkward, naturally. These two are definitely still gonna do the thing. Interestingly, the initial John Dow in the acid - his face had been removed, by a scalpel, carefully. Who and the what now? (Sounds like Joker's M.O. or kinda like Pyg, but we've already done that).

Barnes is investigating The Toad. Starting to wonder if every villain will be off children's stories this season.

Ed tries to get love advice from Oswald, which of course, I mean, he is in love with Ed so that's not gonna be good. Ed says he needs to break up with Izzy - but wants Penguin to do it for him.

Barnes heads out to investigate Toad, and gets jumped - but he jumps back, beating the heck out of the thugs. "Dr. Simon" is the real guy behind it all, Toad insists, who has been cutting faces off and giving them to other people. So that's a thing.

Penguin hits up Izzy at her home to deliver the breakup news. He breaks them up, and she starts to cry. She says she's not going to let him go, and realizes suddenly that Cobblepot is in love with Ed too. "I'm not even jealous." When he leaves, she picks up the glasses she knows set Ed off, and grins sinisterly. WHAT IS SHE UP TO?

Dr. Simon is about to start cutting off another face (from a living, awake girl), and Barnes walks in, gun drawn. When he sees one of the faces in a jar, his pulse quickens and he starts getting angry. The Dr. smugly smiles and says he wants to invoke his right to an attorney. Barnes hears "Guilty, guilty" in his head and knocks Simon down. He's losing it.

He did hold back, though, and brought the doctor into GCPD. After a chat with Gordon, he takes out his gun and badge and puts it on his desk solemnly.

It's Mario and Lee's engagement party. Um, yeah, she looks stunning for the record. Yowza.

Barbara shows up to offer her congratulations. And also be gorgeous. "Just wanted to ask, as someone else once with Jim Gordon, don't you miss it? The heat? Being so close to so much darkness and light at war?" With that, she goes.

Lucius and Jim chat about the anesthetic that Simon was using, also found in the John Doe - but Bullock comes in to deliver the bad news that he's walked as a judge connected to him released him.

Barnes and Carmine Falcone have a little chat at the party... it's not good. Barnes pulls out his vintage flip phone to call in that he's bringing in the murderer of Paulie, the cleaner whose head he ripped off - and that's when Dr. Simon walks in. He hears the "guilty" chant in his head again, and goes toward Simon. Uh-oh.

Ed gets to Isabella's place, saying he got her note. She is in another room, and says they're not breaking up. There's a green light in that room, and she comes out... dressed completely as Kringle. "I found old photos and newspapers." Kinky. She tells him he won't hurt her, even when she looks like this, and puts his hand on her throat. Kinkier. He tells her to keep the glasses on and they get going. Um...

Jim and Bullock arrive at the party with a few other cops, and tell Mario and Lee that they have to arrest Dr. Maxwell Simon. While Harvey goes to make the arrest, Mario wants "a word with Jim." He threatens and punches him, the usual.

Barnes confronts Simon in the bathroom, and he's smug again - so Barnes attacks. He throws him around a bit, and says he's "saner than I've ever been." Yeah, that's not true, Barnes-y boy. "It's not just you that's guilty, it's this whole city that's guilty. I am the law. I am judge, jury and executioner." With that, he throws Simon through the wall and out two stories to the ground. "Sentence served." Yikes.

Ed returns to Cobblepot's mansion and tells him everything is okay with Isabella. Osawld puts on a good front for Ed, and then tells a thug that "she underestimated her opponent. I assume it's done?" The thug has some wire cutters, presumably to cut her brake line.

Yup, Isabella is driving, and a train is coming. This poor actress, she can't catch a "brake" can she? BA DUM CHING. Um, the train hits her, for the record.

Barnes lies to Jim about Simon and "Paulie Pennies" murderer. He tells him "things are gonna change. We're gonna clean up this city," and takes a drink of some Champagne. He looks around the room and sees so many of the guests as "guilty, guilty, guilty."

Jim gets outside, and sees Simon, out on the car, broken and dying. He whispers "Barnes" and that's the end of the episode!