One of the most intriguing storylines throughout the final season of Gotham has undoubtedly been the resurrected love triangle between Jim Gordon, Lee Thompkins, and Barbara Kean. Their intricate relationships are fairly interesting in their own right, but what has earned the attention of comic fans is the fact that this situation led to the birth of Jim and Barbara’s baby during the last episode, a girl who everyone is assuming will grow up to be Barbara Gordon, the eventual Batgirl.
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After the baby was born, Lee established that it was a girl, but Barbara said she hadn’t decided on a name yet, leaving things open to be revealed in the final two episodes of the series. However, it has now been confirmed that this is indeed Barbara Gordon, and she will be showing up as a 10-year-old in the finale.
In one of his regular spoiler Q&A sessions on TVLine, Michael Ausiello was asked about the future of the Jim-centric love triangle. His answer was all about the child of Jim and Barbara. He wrote, “And I can confirm that in the series finale, which features a full-decade time jump, we will see a 10-year-old Barbara Gordon, who of course is fated to follow in the bootsteps of Yvonne Craig and Alicia Silverstone.”
The arrival of Barbara Gordon has been teased throughout the entire season, ever since the absence of Lee Thompkins led to a surprise hook-up between ex-lovers Jim and Barbara. Earlier on in the season, spoke with John Stephens about the direction their relationship would take, and he set the tone for an “explosive” arc throughout the season.
“That’s a relationship which has such dynamite potential, actually explosive potential, that it gives us, also, a lot of good dynamic of the last five seasons to play with, within every scene,” Stephens told us. “And also the audience is left asking the question of knowing who Barbara Gordon ends up being in the later years. And how she came out of that. โI don’t want to give everything away because a lot of it is, frankly, a surprise of watching these things play out. But that is a relationship that we are going to continue to play throughout the rest of the season. And it adds … It’s not even a ripple effects we’re looking at, as explosive that affects everybody in the show.”
Though Jim chose to marry Lee, he and Barbara will forever share a bond as they now have a child together, and they will both try to be a part of little baby Barbara’s life as she grows up.
Are you looking forward to seeing Barbara Gordon in the Gotham series finale? Let us know in the comments!
Gotham returns for its penultimate episode on Thursday, April 18th at 8 p.m. ET on FOX.
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