It’s “go big or go home” when it comes to practical effects in DC Films’ upcoming Shazam movie.
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Director David F. Sandberg shared a bit of insight into the filmmaking process on Twitter when he tweeted about the kind of conversations he has with Shazam’s practical effects team.
“When practical fx guys ask me what kind of explosion I want and I tell them to ‘Michael Bay it’ they always look so happy,” Sandberg tweeted.
It looks like Shazam is going bring the Bayhem to the DC Extended Universe.
While impressive explosions may be something that Shazam has in common with Michael Bay movies, the film’s stars recently appeared on a live feed for Entertainment Weekly where they discussed what makes the film unique.
“It is a family movie,” said Asher Angel, the actor who plays Shazam’s child alter ego Billy Batson. “I think him and Superman have a lot in common. He can basically do everything Superman can do.”
Zachary Levi, who plays Shazam in the film, noted the dual leads in the film, saying “It is you [Angel] in me. It’s a fourteen-year-old kid. You’re the Earth’s Mightiest Mortal.”
Levi has previously described the film’s central relationship between Shazam and Billy Batson as being like Big meets Superman.
“I can’t tell you much, as you can probably imagine, but what I can say is I am just out of my mind excited!” Levi said. “I get to do my version of Big, basically. It’s like Superman meets Big, and that’s just so fun. I get to be a superhero that’s excited about being a superhero, and I think that’s refreshing. It’s not glum, and like, ‘Oh, I have to save the world again.’ So I think it’s all really gravy.”
Shazam is a mystical hero with the power of the gods. Billy Batson was granted the power to transform into the hero him by a powerful wizard. All Billy has to do is speak the magic word, “Shazam!”
Shazam will open in theaters on April 5, 2019.
Other upcoming DC Extended Universe films include Aquaman on December 21, 2018, Wonder Woman 2 on November 1, 2019, Cyborg in 2020, and Green Lantern Corps in 2020.