BioWare Teases "Amazing Work" And Intense Story For Anthem

There has been a lot of shifts happening around BioWare over the past several years, with many of [...]


There has been a lot of shifts happening around BioWare over the past several years, with many of figureheads having left the studio to pursuit other adventures. A big reason for the shift, and a lot of the controversy surrounding Mass Effect: Andromeda, revolves around the upcoming online action RPG Anthem.

Game Director Jonathan Warner took to his Twitter account to tease a few of the topics brough up during an internal meeting at BioWare. He gave a little insight that promises an "enthralling" story - even going so far to say that the team "f*cking nailed it":

While writer Jay Watamaniuk jumped onto the hype train with his own input - specifically that "enthralling" story promised:

Other members of the team showed off pictures of the event itself, showing off excited faces as they overcame this "amazing milestone". With the PlayStation Experience later on this year, as well as the Video Game Awards, it is very possible that the team might be gearing up for a bigger reveal than the small teasers we've had so far.

No more gameplay footage as of yet since E3, but at least those interested in seeing what BioWare has to offer can look forward to a beta before the title's release.

Anthem is set for a 2018 release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.