Friday the 13th: The Game is Giving Certain Banned Players a Second Chance

The creators of Friday the 13th: The Game are giving a select group of permabanned players a [...]

Friday 2

The creators of Friday the 13th: The Game are giving a select group of permabanned players a second chance at the game by reverting bans.

News that the developers would be lifting the ban on players was first discussed on the game's forums and Reddit when a comment from Gun Media's Ben "ThePraetorian" Strauss was taken out of context. Strauss jumped in a thread on the Steam forums where a poster was calling for the unbanning of players who used exploits in the past when Strauss replied, "We are actually going to unban those caught using exploits for this upcoming patch."

From that comment alone, it's understandable that those who abide by the rules would be upset at the prospect of banned players returning. Some suggested that the decision was an effort to up the game's player count while others simply couldn't think of a reason for the change, but Strauss elaborated on his comment both in the forums and on Reddit where the seemingly controversial decision starting picking up steam.

In a lengthy response, Strauss explained that those who might've used an exploit just once before are the ones that are being unbanned. He said that he understands the situation of a friend showing you a funny or interesting glitch and you wanting to attempt it as well. You do it once, it's entertaining, and then you're done with no intent to try it again, but you find yourself banned the next day. Those players are the ones with hopes of returning to Friday the 13th: The Game, according to Strauss, while others with harsher offenses will remain banned.

"We're removing permanant bans from people that simply utilized known exploits that have since been fixed," Strauss said. "These users took advantage of a situation, yes....but they were punished by having no access for several months. The hackers are perma-banned. The racists are perma-banned. The teamers are perma-banned. But to perma-ban people for walking on a roof for kicks isn't really our style. Some people did it maliciously and will again (we'll ban them in no time, I promise.) Others will have gotten the message we don't screw around."

So if you've been banned for using a one-time glitch, you'll likely have a second chance soon, a perfect time to join in the new wave of players that should come in from the physical release of the game on Oct. 13, a date that's appropriately a Friday the 13th.