League Of Legends Looking At Changes For Staple Mid Laners

As buffs and nerfs come and go and certain problematic components of League of Legends such as [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

As buffs and nerfs come and go and certain problematic components of League of Legends such as Singed being a bit too strong and lethality dominating most roles, hotfixes aren't uncommon, especially in the most recent patch. While there are some obviously overpowered options at times, some champions have been able to fly under the radar by being powerful, viable choices for most situations. If you're wondering how some of the mid laners like Orianna and Syndra have bene able to skirt these nerfs for a while now, you'll be happy to hear that these two mid lane picks are finally being looked at in upcoming patches to tone down their safety pick potential.

Riot Meddler noted that these mid lane champions are just a few of the elements that are being looked at now that the balancing efforts have begun to prepare for a future update, Patch 7.16. With this patch, there are a couple of areas that they're looking closely at, one of which is the mid lane dominance of Orianna and Syndra.

"Position assessments - Is Cinderhulk overtuned and thereby impacting jungling too much, what should we do about some mid laners (Ori, Synda etc) who overly present/reliable choices, are many ranged champs who should be good supports struggling too much at present," Meddler said, naming off just a couple of the areas that they're looking at when it comes to more changes.

While many players have likely felt the frustration of going up against the new Cho'Gath in the jungle who's opted for a Cinderhulk enchantment with Gargoyle Stoneplate, dealing with champions like Orianna and Syndra is something that's been going on for much longer. Orianna can zone out enemies and clear waves with relative ease, and Syndra can eliminate enemies with the press of a button if they're within range of her stun or flash.

There's no word yet on exactly what these changes will be given that they'll be coming in the patch after next, but they'll still be welcome changes that will likely lead to even more diverse picks in pro play as well.