League of Legends: Veigar's Stacks Lower Dark Matter Cooldown On PBE

Changes being tested for League of Legends’ Veigar on the PBE allow the tiny mage’s Dark [...]

Changes being tested for League of Legends' Veigar on the PBE allow the tiny mage's Dark Matter ability to have its cooldown lowered depending on how many passive stacks he has.

As most who play as Veigar or those who get blown up by full Veigar rotation will know, the mid laner racks up tons of AP just by hitting his enemies with his abilities. Should the changes to his Dark Matter ability and it's interactions with his Phenomenal Evil stacks make it through the testing phase on the PBE, the more stacks that Veigar has, the lower his W's cooldown gets.

Currently on the PBE, the cooldown of Veigar's Dark Matter ability will be lowered by 10 percent for every 50 stacks of Phenomenal Evil that Veigar has. Fifty stacks is an easily achievable number, so it shouldn't take long for Veigar players to start amassing that CD.

The CD will stack multiplicatively though, Veigar's enemies won't have to worry too much about getting showered with Dark Matter too much in the beginning. Riot AzuBK explained that "you're going to see 90%, then 81%, then 73%, etc."

"This means that it's...drumroll...uncapped!" the Rioter explained. "Since this model provides a linear dps increase per stack tier. Currently cooking up a more understandable way to word the tooltip that indicates this behavior."

The video shown above from popular League tester Vandiril shows an amusing scenario involving the change where Veigar gets enough stacks to decrease his W CD to nothing. It takes over 3500 stacks for Vandiril to get there, so hopefully nobody will let that happen in real games, but it also shows what the CD would look like at more attainable stack levels.

None of Veigar's other abilities will have their cooldowns lowered by the passive stack though, only Dark Matter. It makes more sense that this ability would be the one to change seeing how the rest of his kit has a pretty defined purpose. By using the Q for farming and harassing, the E for crowd control, and the ultimate for next-level burst, these changes would give Veigar's Dark Mater ability a bit more of an identity.

The changes are currently live on the PBE for testing to see how the low-CD ability feels, though the values might change before the next patch.



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