Picross S Coming to Nintendo Switch Next Week

Picross 3D Round 2 offers a few more twists to the original formula. Even if you're typically not [...]

picross s
(Photo: Jupiter)

Jupiter is bringing its hit puzzle game series to the Nintendo Switch! The hardcore fans already know exactly what I'm talking about. It's Picross! This morning Jupiter revealed that Picross S will be hitting the Nintendo Switch eShop next week, on September 28. Like most Picross games, this one will be extremely affordable, setting you back a cool $7.99.

For those of you who don't know, Picross is a wonderful series of games that task you with solving numerical logic puzzles. You'll be presented with a grid, with rows of numbers lining the X and Y axes. A puzzle will look a little something like this after you get started:

picross 1

The numbers on the sides give you hints about which square should be filled in, and which squares should be left alone. Bit by bit, you'll start start filling out the grid. The more you fill out, the clearer the clues will become, and a picture will begin to form. When it's all said and done, you're left with a charming little pixel-picture that you can look at and feel proud of. It doesn't sound like much when I write it out like that, but Lordy, these games are utterly addictive.

The Picross series has been a long-time fan favorite. There are 7 standard Picross games on the Nintendo 3DS that have delighted and challenged us for years, and the more challenging (and more rewarding) Picross 3D Round 2 offers a few more twists to the original formula. Even if you're typically not into puzzle games, we can pretty much guarantee that you'll get into Picross. The developers at Jupiter work in some kind of black magic to make these games inexplicably alluring.

Plus, the music is always fantastic. Expect a playlist of irresistible ear-worms as you work your way through Picross S and its 300 puzzles!

Stay tuned for more Picross coverage. We're hopelessly hooked.