Resident Evil 4 Remake May Have Resident Evil Village Connections

The first trailer for Resident Evil 4's remake provided some long-awaited looks at the updated versions of characters like Leon and Ashley as well as different scenes from the game, but it also may have left some clues for players about how this version's story will differ from the original. After examining those clues and considering how Resident Evil 4's remake will follow up Resident Evil Village which released last year, some are convinced that the two games might be connected to one another.

Over in the Resident Evil subreddit, fans are trying to piece together these clues to decipher how – if at all – the two games will be connected. One of the first finds focused on a crest seen scrawled on a stone structure in Resident Evil 4, a four-winged crest with blood dripping down across it. As players pointed out, this crest bears a striking resemblance to the crest used to represent the four houses governed by Mother Miranda in Village.

I noticed this symbol in the RE4R trailer, it looks somewhat similar to the Four Houses symbol in Village. from residentevil

Of course, it's not exactly the same symbol, but the similarities are uncanny. In addition to pointing out that symbol, people also noticed that Saddler from Resident Evil 4 appears to make an appearance in the trailer with his hooded cloak and his staff. That's the same look that he took on in the original game, so it's not like his outfit has been changed to make him look more like Mother Miranda. The similarities are at least there, however, so perhaps if Mother Miranda did have an influence on Saddler in Resident Evil 4, perhaps he copied her look?

If you're wondering how all of these connections can even be possible given that Village takes place after 4 in the Resident Evil timeline, remember that Miranda and her moldy friends have been around for a long, long time, and both games are set in Europe, so it's entirely possible she could've come across any number of easily influenced baddies. The remake also adopts "a reimagined storyline," according to Capcom, and considering how Resident Evil 3's Nemesis was altered to connect the remade game to Resident Evil 4, there's grounds for the same to happen between 4 and Village.

Resident Evil 4 doesn't come out until March 2023, so expect to see many more of these theories emerge between now and then.
