Following the controversial Sylvanas animated short, Blizzard released a brand new video for World of Warcraft ahead of their release for the upcoming expansion Battle for Azeroth. The latest video tells the tale of Varok Saurfang and the moment that changed everything.
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“War has a way of wearing down the most weathered soldiers. For legendary Horde warrior Varok Saurfang, this one could very well be his last,” reads the video’s official description and for those that are familiar with the World of Warcraft lore, this short is vital to the overall lore.
The video opens up with Saurfang reflecting on a paramount moment in his life, the death of his son. For fans of the MMORPG, they’ll recognize the walls of Lordearon, which has been under attack by the Alliance following the events surrounding Teldrassil, which we saw during Sylvana’s short.
We also see a conversation between Saurfang and “Zappy Boy” Zekhan, another familiar face. A familiar troll face. This video is imperative for the Horde lore and shows the hidden conflict leading up to Sylvanas’s burning rage and his dissociation from everything he’s known. This short continues to show the grey areas of both the Alliance and the Horde, making the climatic apex of Battle for Azeroth much more decisive than previous expansions.
“In Battle for Azeroth, the stakes for the Alliance and the Horde are incredibly high, and a player’s faction will have a more meaningful impact on their experience than in any World of Warcraft expansion to date,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Whether they’re journeying to unexplored lands to recruit allies or fighting to secure war resources, players will redefine what it truly means to be ‘For the Horde’ or ‘For the Alliance’ when the expansion arrives this August.”
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth begins August 14th!
What faction do you fight for? The Horde or the Alliance? Have these new videos changed your perspective at all regarding your loyalties? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below and tell us what you think!