'Avengers: Infinity War' Men Compare Themselves to Different Meats

Ahead of the opening of Avengers: Infinity War the stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe made a [...]

Ahead of the opening of Avengers: Infinity War the stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe made a lot of appearances and gave a lot of interviews but a recent appearance on Conan left fans with quite a bit of food for thought.

Earlier this week Anthony Mackie, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Danai Gurira, and Scarlett Johansson appeared on the late-night talk show and a question about who among the men is the most attractive turned into an awkward, yet hilarious, comparison of the men of the MCU to different meats. You almost have to see it to believe it, so you can check it out in the video above.

"I think it's an overall consensus of sexiness, it's just about what you like," Mackie said. "Some people like pork chops, some people like T-bone, you know what I mean? I mean, some people, you know, vegetarian, some people like a steak."

While comparisons as to which of the men of the MCU is the most attractive isn't unusual, things don't usually get quite this out of hand. As you can see in the video things quickly went a little off the rails, particularly with Mackie and Pratt trying to explain their choices. Pratt was quickly determined to be the pork chop of the group which resulted in the Star-Lord actor trying to defend himself as the "fattier" meat item while also explaining

"Who doesn't like a little bacon?" Pratt said. "We are comparing our bodies to food items, who is the most attractive and it's like, you know, saying what's the best thing on the menu? Basically, we're beefcakes."

While the guys kept on comparing themselves to various types of meat and which one is the better selection. Johansson explained that it was conversations like this that made her glad to no longer be the lone woman in the cast.

"See why I was so happy when more female characters were introduced into the universe?" she said. "It used to be like this all day every day. I'm a wagyu steak, I'm a pork chop, like, I'm going to kill myself. It was all beef, all the time."

Of course, Johansson's torment wasn't over just because she now has Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Gurira (Okoye), and Leticia Wright (Shuri) to help balance things out. Mackie had ideas on what food item Johansson is compared to the rest of the cast as well.

"Scarlett is definitely a sweet potato," he said. "That's the healthy carb."

Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now.