Will Moon Knight's Finale Deliver?

Will Moon Knight's finale deliver? That's the question that a lot of Marvel fans are asking themselves right about now. At the time of writing this, Moon Knight Episode 5 has premiered on Disney+, and while there's certainly been a big reaction from Marvel fans regarding what went down in "Asylum", they're also anxious about how much seems to be left undone in Moon Knight, with just the space of one episode left to sew it all up neatly. And, given the track record of Marvel Disney+ series finales, there's good reason for concern... 


(Photo: Marvel Studios)

By the end of Moon Knight Episode 5, Marc Spector/Moon Knight is in a pretty deep hole (literally and figuratively. He's dead. Arthur Harrow is banishing souls to the afterlife through Ammit's power. Marc and Steven couldn't balance their respective personas, and Steven seemingly "died" to save Marc. The big "victory?" Marc achieves "balance" and ends up in an Egyptian paradise – the furthest place from being alive and well enough to stop Harrow. If that all wasn't enough, there's still the small issue of getting Khonshu released from his prison, so that Marc (if he manages to live again) can regain his power as Moon Knight. Every Marvel Disney+ series ends a season with a big battle between the heroes and villain(s), and It seems obligatory that Moon Knight take on Arthur Harrow – which is a battle that would invoke the powers of gods like Khonshu and Ammit. 

Then there are larger lingering questions hanging over the series that fans are chomping at the bit to have answered. Who is the third personality inside Marc's head? Who is this "Bushman" that betrayed Marc and led to his origin as Moon Knight? What is Moon Knight's relevance to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase Four storyline? 

Looking at it all written out above, it's a fair thing to say that it seems unlikely that Moon Knight's finale can wrap up all of the above. Then again, it's also just as fair to say that's not the point of Moon Knight's finale to hit all these bullet points. The major focus of this series has been the fractured mind of Marc Spector, more so than his (brief) appearances as Moon Knight (a point that some fans are highly critical of). While Moon Knight clearly already exists when the series starts, Marc has also clearly never unlocked his full potential as the mystical hero – because he hasn't even unlocked the full potential of himself.

(Photo: Marvel Studios)

Moon Knight's finale may have only one real goal to reach: getting Marc Spector into some semblance of balance, getting him back to life, and having a full-fledged Moon Knight (complete with obligatory new costume) battle Harrow and win. That would be a suitable launchpad for Moon Knight's introduction into the larger MCU – in whatever form his next appearances may take. The history (and future) with everyone in Marc's life from Bushman to his (dead?) brother Randall are enough to keep a Moon Knight TV series going into Season 2; Moon Knight could also be a key featured character in any other event series or film Marvel wants to do under the "Midnight Sons" supernatural brand; with Oscar Isaac in the role Moon Knight appearances in MCU movies is also on the table. The pressure on Moon Knight's finale is nowhere near as great as some fans may think. 

If Moon Knight hits all the right beats to deliver the kind of finale Marvel fans now expect, it's done enough. We'll see what happens when the finale debuts on Wednesday, May 4, on Disney+.