Speaking to We Got This Covered to promote her new film, Draft Day, Jennifer Garner revealed a bit about her husband, Ben Affleck’s, physique now that he is training for his role as Batman in Batman vs. Superman, despite the fact that what she has mentioned publicly before has gotten her into a bit of trouble.”Anytime I’ve said anything about that so far I’ve gotten into a lot of trouble from Batman,” Garner said.She did reveal that Ben Affleck has been working out at least twice a day and that he’s currently sporting 17-inch biceps. Despite the fact that Batman, in Batman vs. Superman, is supposed to be just a bit over the hill, it sounds like he’s still in pretty good shape.Batman vs. Superman is scheduled for theatrical release on May 6, 2016.
Batman Vs. Superman: Ben Affleck Has 17 Inch Biceps
Speaking to We Got This Covered to promote her new film, Draft Day, Jennifer Garner revealed a bit […]