El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie finally dropped on Netflix today, and the new film follows Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) after the events of Breaking Bad‘s series finale, which aired six years ago. Paul previously stated that director Vince Gilligan only wanted to do Breaking Bad film if it was “perfect,” and based on the movie’s current Rotten Tomatoes score, it looks like Gilligan may have gotten his wish. The movie currently has a 100% on the website after a total of 17 reviews. The film does not yet have an audience score, but we’re willing to bet it’s also going to be high. Here are some of the positive reviews currently on Rotten Tomatoes:
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“El Camino recreates the tone and feel of Breaking Bad so effectively that it’s a wonder it wasn’t shot at the same time and stuck in a vault until now,” Adam Graham of Detroit News wrote.
“Paul earned three Emmys for his supporting role on Breaking Bad, and in El Camino he delivers a mesmerizing lead performance that proves he deserves a spot on Hollywood’s A-list,” Judy Berman of TIME Magazine praised.
“El Camino plays almost exactly like two episodes of Breaking Bad edited together. Fortunately, it was an exemplary show and Gilligan is still a masterful writer and director,” Nick Harley of Den of Geek wrote.
El Camino will pick up right after the events of the Breaking Bad finale and follows Jesse Pinkman’s return to his old life. Paul is once again taking on the role of Pinkman, which earned him three Primetime Emmy Awards over the course of five seasons. Also confirmed to return for the movie are Matt Jones and Charles Baker.
“I love the way the show ended โ that it left it very vague. You’d like to think he’s riding off into the sunset, but you know life isn’t going to be that easy for him,” Paul previously said in an interview with Time. “People, almost on a daily basis, ask me, ‘What happened to Jesse?’ My response is, ‘I have no idea. In reality, he’s probably on the run and in hiding. His fingerprints were all over that murder scene.’ But I fantasized that he was just living in the woods somewhere, maybe working with his hands again, creating things with wood.”
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie is now playing on Netflix.