Bryan Cranston Inspired By Bugs Bunny To Do One Man Baseball Show

Godzilla and Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston has found inspiration in a classic cartoon character. [...]

Bryan Cranston's Bugs Bunny

Godzilla and Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston has found inspiration in a classic cartoon character. While walking past a store window, Cranston looked inside to see a Looney Tunes cartoon with Bugs Bunny playing baseball.

"The Bugster, Mr. B, any actor who tells you that he's not inspired by Bugs Bunny is a liar frankly", said Cranston. "Or just a hack."

After seeing the cartoon, Cranston created his own one-man show about baseball. His own personal recreation of the MLB Postseason. At least, that's how the story goes in the video embedded below.

The video of course is actually a new commercial for MLB that is airing on TBS.