
Jake Johnson Makes Bold Promise About Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse (Exclusive)


Even after multiple live-action Spider-Man movies, 2018’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse managed to shatter expectations of what was possible with a story focusing on the Wall-Crawler, with this year’s sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse managing to somehow push the narrative to even more impressive levels. This means expectations are even higher for Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, but Peter B. Parker actor Jake Johnson recently promised that the filmmakers behind Beyond the Spider-Verse will continue to push the series and won’t release it until it’s “excellent.” Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is currently slated to hit theaters on March 29, 2024. Johnson will next be seen in Season 2 of Minx, which premieres on STARZ on July 21st.

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“Here’s what I can promise, and I said it about the second one when we were in the middle of it: Phil Lord, Chris Miller, everybody, the producers on this, the directors they’re going to bring in … What they did on the first one is all the directors became executive producers. So they just keep adding to it. What I can promise is they are not going to stop until it’s excellent,” Johnson confirmed with “And if that means it takes a little bit longer, if that means it’s even bigger, if that means it’s longer — they don’t play by anybody’s rules. They work really hard. As actors in it, we’re always shocked that we get called in to record on this last one. I think it was a month before it screened, where we could not believe we were still recording. So they’re not going to quit until it’s great and I have nothing but faith in them. But in terms of giving anything away [about the story], can’t do it.”

Between the current writers’ strike and potential actors’ strike, as well as the lengthy process of animating feature films, a number of rumors have swirled that Beyond the Spider-Verse could see release date delays, though these reports have yet to be confirmed.

Set in 1970s Los Angeles, Minxย centers around Joyce (Ophelia Lovibond), an earnest young feminist who joins forces with a low-rent publisher (Jake Johnson) to create the first erotic magazine for women.In Season 2, Doug and Joyce grapple with Minx’s explosive success, which brings more money, fame, and temptation than either of them know how to handle.

Stay tuned for updates on Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, which is set to hit theaters on March 29, 2024. Season 2 of Minx premieres on STARZ on July 21st.

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